
Grouping columns under a single header in JSF

Hey guys, is there a way using JSF to group two or more columns under a single parent column in JSF? I have a dataTableEx with hx:columnEx columns inside of it. What I want is something like this: [MAIN HEADER FOR COL1+2 ][Header for Col 3+4] [ COL1 Header][COL2 Header][COL3 ][COL 4 ] Data Data Data ...

how to add a pager to dynamic datatable in jsf 1.1

Hi, i've been trying to add a pager to a dynamic datatable. I am using the BalusC code at :http://balusc.blogspot.com/2006/06/using-datatables.html Dynamic columns are working great, but now i need to programatically add a simple pager to allow the user to scroll through the records. I'm using jsf-ibm components, where there exists a...