
Openfire 3.6.0a HybridAuthprovider error Ldap and Mysql Auth

We need both mysql and AD auth in Openfire 3.6.0a, as soon as I enable the hybridauthprovider the error log gives me 2008.10.01 11:21:12 [org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.HybridAuthProvider.(HybridAuthProvider.java:93)] A primary AuthProvider must be specified. Authentication will be disabled. My setting under System Properties in the ad...

Google Federated Login (OpenID+Oauth) for Hosted Apps - changing end points?

I'm trying to integrate the Google Federated Login with a premier apps account, but I'm having some problems. When I send the request to: https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/ud with all the parameters (see below), I get back both a request_token and list of attributes asked for by Attribute Exchange. This is perfect, as we need the email...

How to deploy http://code.google.com/p/dyuproject/ into app engine

Hi, I am trying to use openid/hybrid in app engine, but so far, no luck. No success with openid4java (because it creates socket etc), and no luck with dyuproject either. How do it deploy dyuproject into my java appengine? I just could not understand the different structure of the code in http://dyuproject.googlecode.com/files/dyuproj...