
what is/where can i find more info on "HI2COUT"

looking to bit-bang the I2C interface of a MCP23017 with an ATtiny13A, a lot of places mention HI2COUT as a method to send data on the I2C bus but i have no clue if this is part of a language or a Library or even a description of what happens when called. so the questions: 1) where can i get info on HI2COUT? 2) if any one has ever inte...

Extending python with C module

So I have a C program to interface with an i2c device. I need to interface to that device from python. I'm just wondering if it's worth porting the program into a python module or if the amount of effort involved in porting won't outweigh just executing the program using subprocess. I know I'm sure it's different for every application, b...

example code, documents on MCP23017 (16 pin IO extender, I2C) as an 7-segment LCD driver

the MCP23017 from Microchip is an I2C based 16-pin IO extender. I have been able to set up the device once (set pin direction and values), but after that i cannot change the values as expected unless i reset / power cycle the device. this is the code i used to initalize it and set the pins up the first time: I2C_Start(); I2C_Write(...

Chaning the I2C address on-the-fly of a linux device driver

I have two cameras attached to my linux system. The cameras are controlled via I2C. The device driver for a single camera is based on the i2c-core device driver. I want to switch between the two cameras. Therefore, I want to change the I2C address on the fly to control one or the other camera. Is this reasonable? If yes, is there a func...

Atmega64 pins question. SCL/SDA same as TXD/RDX?

I'm not an Atmega pro by any means whatsoever. In fact, never worked with them. I'm trying to add an external eeprom using i2c interface to a device that uses an Atmega64 controller. From the datasheet, I see that pins 25 and 26 are labeled PD0/PD1 and are the SCL/SDA for i2c. That's fine and dandy. So then I go to the board and star...

How to detect two identical i2c slaves but with different chip select with one linux i2c driver

Hi, I have to communicate with 2 identical i2c slaves that have a different chip select each. I would like to use one driver for both. What is the best way to do that? ...

Linux Device driver testing

Hi, I want to test the compliance of Linux Ethernet and I2C drivers. Is there any open source tool or framework to test these drivers?? Thanks in Advance ...