
How to use ICSharpCode.ZipLib with stream?

Hello, I'm very sorry for the conservative title and my question itself,but I'm lost. The samples provided with ICsharpCode.ZipLib doesn't include what I'm searching for. I want to decompress a byte[] by putting it in InflaterInputStream(ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.InflaterInputStream) I found a decompress function...

How do I add files to an archive using SharpZipLib with no compression?

How do I add files to a Zip archive using SharpZipLib with no compression? Examples on Google seem to be woefully thin. ...

ICSharpCode zipfile creation error!

The following code works on my machine but not in server: using (ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Create(outPath)) { if (!includeFolders) { zipFile.NameTransform = new ZipNameTransform(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileNames[0])); } foreach (string Fil in fileNames) { zipFile.BeginUpdate(); ...

System.IOException when opening file with File.OpenRead

I get the following exception when I open a file for unzipping it's contents. It happens when I have the file selected in Windows Explorer, or mouse over it showing a tooltip. System.IO.IOException was unhandled Message=The process cannot access the file 'D:\Documents\AutoUnZip\Zips\MVCContrib.Extras.release.zip' because it is being u...