
What's the correct way to view idempotency in terms of HTTP DELETE?

I have spent a lot of time recently reading the HTTP 1.1 specification and relating it to REST. I have found that there are two interpretations of the HTTP DELETE method in regards to its "idempotency" and safety. Here are the two camps: If you delete a resource with HTTP DELETE, and it succeeds (200 OK), and then you try to delete tha...

Getting error when using post method in form

I am getting null when I am using post method while passing a form to the next page A repeat of this question link text <html> <head> Title <script> function callme() { alert("Hi"); alert(document.getElementById("prio").value); } </script> </head> <body> <FORM method="post" name="test"enctype="multipart/form-dat...

How to ensure message idempotency with multiple competing consumers?

I have multiple distributed competing consumers each pulling messages off the same (transactional) queue. I want to implement each consumer as an Idempotent Receiver so I never process the same message more than once (across all consumers) even if a duplicate arrives. How can I accomplish this with multiple consumers? My first thought i...

How can I perform an idempotent insert row using subsonic with a SQL 2008 backend?

How can I perform an idempotent insert row using subsonic with a SQL 2008 backend? e.g. I have a table "Colors" where name is the primary key. Color c = new Color; = "red"; c.Save; Color c2 = new Color; = "red"; c2.Save; // throws duplicate key error; I know I can just trap the error but I would prefer to do somethi...

How to make write operation idempotent?

I'm reading article about recently release Gizzard sharding framework by twitter( It mentions that all write operations must be idempotent to make sure high reliability. According to wikipedia, "Idempotent operations are operations that can be applied multipl...

RESTful idempotence

I'm designing a RESTful web service utilizing ROA(Resource oriented architecture). I'm trying to work out an efficient way to guarantee idempotence for PUT requests that create new resources in cases that the server designates the resource key. From my understanding, the traditional approach is to create a type of transaction resource ...