
Force "Internet Explorer 8" browser mode in intranet

There are "Internet Explorer 8", "Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility Mode", and IE7 mode in IE8. However, the default setting in IE make all intranet website use "IE8 Compatibility Mode" even I have setted doctype, the meta tag, http header as suggested to force it into IE8 mode. I have <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 T...

Trouble setting IE8 browser mode to IE7

Inspite of putting the following meta tag I am not getting the expected result: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" > I open the developer tool window. In the same bar where the menu appears there is an item called Browser Mode: it still shows IE 8 by default. Even doing document.documentMode in the console wind...

IE8 browser mode vs document mode

Can someone please explain the difference between IE8 browser mode and document mode in simple terms? What causes the browser mode to change? What causes the document mode to change? If a user changes the mode(s) via developer tools, does the change remain even if the page is refreshed? I am asking this because we are doing some IE8 ...

How to run IE7 and IE8 on the same pc?

I would like to check screen of my website on IE7 and IE8. I have try to search on many website and I found IETester program follow this website. But it's not work for my website. So, how do I use other programs or other solution to run IE7 and IE8 on the same PC? ...