
WPF: IEditableCollectionView and CanAddNew and empty collections

We were having some issues with the wpf datagrid and IEditableCollectionView (although this question applies to using IEditableCollectionView and ItemsControl) When you have a collection with no items in it, the IEditableCollectionView cannot determine what items should be inserted so it sets CanAddNew=false we found a solution here (bur...

'EditItem' is not allowed for this view - databinding issue

Hi, I am trying to do data binding in WPF on data grid using a cutom list. My custom list class contains a private data list of type List. I can not expose this list however the indexers are exposed for seeting and getting individual items. My custom class looks like this: public abstract class TestElementList<T> : IEnumerable w...

WPF: How to use views like ICollectionView and IEditableCollectionView

I understand the syntax but not how really to use it. It's clear in many basic scenarios but as soon as it get's a little bit advanced I start getting a headache. For example there are many different views but often not clear wich one to use. Also should you use always just one or mix and match. Do you use the view as your itemssource f...

How to filter on a constantly updated collection displayed in grid?

Hi, Let's say I have a WPF application that shows "questions". Questions can have different statuses, such as "open", and "answered". The questions are stored in an ObservableCollection and displayed on a DataGrid. I want to have a toggle button at the top that switches between "open" and "answered" questions. When a user clicks the "...

What is the type of object added by IEditableCollectionView?

Adding objects with the IEditableCollectionView addNew() method is pretty decent. However I'm not sure how well it works with my generic code I have. I have a ObservableCollection of my base class. Depending on what the user wants to see it can be filled with DerivedA or DerivedB ( or mutliple other derived type classes ). It never has ...

cannot add new item to PagedCollectionView in SL4 app with WCF RIA Services

I created a wcf ria service application (with Silverlight 4 and SQL Server 2008 Express). Within my domain model I have two tables projects and times which are linked by a foreign key. This works all very well, as long as I use the domain context methods directly to add, update, delete objects to the underlying database. Now I wanted t...