
Flex: Unexpected leakage with RemoteObject + IExternalizable?

I've been tinkering with IExternalizable, but I've noticed some unexpected behavior. I've got this class: public function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void { input.readObject(); input.readObject(); input.readObject(); } public function writeExternal(output:IDataOutput):void { output.writeObject("first string"); ou...

Casting an object using 'as' returns null: myObject = newObject as MyObject; // null

I am trying to create a custom object in AS3 to pass information to and from a server, which in this case will be Red5. In the below screenshots you will see that I am able to send a request for an object from as3, and receive it successfully from the java server. However, when I try to cast the received object to my defined objectType...