
getting nearest result within IFNULL

I've got a maintenance script which dumps a bunch of data from one db to another. I'm trying to get the data as SELECT id, IFNULL(rank1,(SELECT rank2 FROM table WHERE rank1 IS NOT NULL and rank2<rank2 of current row ORDER BY rank2 LIMIT 1)) FROM table What I'm attempting to get with the rank2 So, i believe I h...

MySQL IFNULL question

Hi, I have a query which contains a subquery which is something like this IFNULL((SELECT id FROM mytable WHERE id = 1), 'No') It works OK, but I would like to return the string 'Yes' on success rather than the actual id of the row. Is there any way to override the value it returns? Thanks. ...

IfNull function in mysql doesnt seem to work for me....

IfNull function in mysql doesnt seem to work for me.... When i executed this query select t1.dAccHeader_id,t1.dAccHeaderName,t1.dAccHeaderAcronym, t2.dDesignationName as incharge1, t3.dDesignationName as incharge2,t4.dDesignationName as incharge3 from tbl_accountheader as t1 inner join tbl_designation_master as t2 on t2.dDesignation_id ...

having condition on result of a subquery in mysql

hi i am trying to run a query like this SELECT a, b , c, (SELECT INNULL(x,y)) as mycol WHERE mycol < 400 ; BUt it gives the error #1054 - Unknown column 'mycol' in 'where clause' What would be the right way to do this? Thanks. ...


I have a select statement where I want to make select conditional like this IFNULL(field_a,field_a,feild_b) so that it checks field a if a is null then the select would be field b is that possible ? ...

mysql count row occurances in a date range, but convert null to 0 so it shows

This is my current query SELECT DAYNAME(date_created) AS Day, COUNT(*) AS my_count FROM sometable WHERE (@date_created >= '2010-10-20 21:02:38' OR @date_created IS NULL) AND (@date_created <= '2010-10-27 21:02:38' OR @date_created IS NULL) GROUP BY DAY(date_created) It only returns data for that day if the count exists. I was muc...