
Two same session_ids on two sites on different ii7 servers

Hi Everyone, I have a problem here.. i have site running on server A (with IIS7) and same site running on servers B (with IIS7). Now if i goto my site from Server A and then goto the same site from Server B both the time i get the same the session id. But when i got my sites set up on IIS6 i get different session ids no matter which i...

IIS Redirects and children folders / pages

Silly question that I can't seem to figure out. In II6 I need to set a redirect on a parent folder (using the "redirect to an url" option) but have sub folders (or sub aspx pages) still point to the page in that site (the designated directory. II6 seems to have no problem with setting a different redirect on the child folder/page, but ...

Asp.net MVC2 Deployment: Directory Listing Denied

I have created an Asp.net MVC2 application in VS2008. When i am running the website on internal server its working fine. But when i created a virtual directory for the website on local IIS6, its giving me error Directory Listing Denied This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. How can i deploy the asp.net MVC site on...

IIS Virtual and Physical directories as seen from Internet

Hi, I have a problem with physical and virtual directories on my shared windows hosting account, where it's IIS6 and I manage my hosting via Dot Net Panel (2.8.4). I have installed a copy of BlogEngine.net into wwwroot\myblog, and created a virtual directory mydomain.co.uk\blog to point to it. My hoster has enabled my domain to run Appl...