
Newbie Rococoa user trying to get IKPictureTaker working

I am trying to get the IKPicutreTaker Cocoa widget to work under Rococoa and I am getting an error I don't quite understand. Here is a link to the IKPicutreTaker docs: http://developer.apple.com/Mac/library/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/IKImagePicker%5FClass/IKImagePicker%5FReference.html#//apple%5Fref/occ/clm/IKPictureTaker/...

Is IKPictureChooser widget not supported by Rococoa?

I am trying to get the IKPictureChooser widget to work with Rococoa but every time I run the code I get a null pointer exception at the call to createClass IKPictureTaker. Here is my code: interface IKPictureTaker extends NSObject { public static final _Class CLASS = Rococoa.createClass("IKPictureTaker",_Class.class); public...

Trouble deciphering java class not visible from class loader error.

I am trying to write some java code that will code the will get the Cocoa IKPictureTaker widget to load using Rococoa. I feel like I am getting closer now but I am getting an error and I am not quite sure why it is occurring. The error that I am getting is this: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at IKPic...

Making a Cocoa App Pop Up a Widget instead of a Window

I have never made an app using XCode and Cocoa but I think following these instruction: http://developer.apple.com/Mac/library/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/IKImagePicker%5FClass/IKImagePicker%5FReference.html I could easily make an app that pops up a window that allows you to push a button to bring up the IKPictureTaker, but...

Getting Strange video warning from my IKPictureTaker App

I have a simple little osx app that just starts up an IKPictureTaker and then saves the resulting picture as a .tiff file. It all seems to work fine but everytime I take the picture I get this error repeatedly: 2009-11-10 12:25:38.890 Take A Picture[855:9c23] *** QTCaptureSession warning: Session received the following error while de...

Qutting a cocoa app after closing a window

I have a small osx cocoa app that brings up an IKPictureTaker at start up, I would like for my application to quit after this picture taker is closed. I read that I need to add this code to my NSWindowController class but I have no idea how to access this class (it shows up no where in my class list in XCode):` -(BOOL) applicationShoul...

applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: does not seem to work when the red x is used to close my Cocoa app

I have a small OSX Cocoa app that just bring up an IKPicutreTaker and saves the picture to a file if one is set. I use applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: to close the application when the pictureTaker is closed. This all works fine when I either set(this is done when you have picked the picture you want) or when you hit c...

Disabling ESC and Command . in an OSX Cocoa app

I made a little cocoa app that brings up an IKPictureTaker and saves a picture to a file if you press the set button. Currently, if you press esc or Command . the window picture taker will close. Is there a way to disable this behavior? ...