
how to load an imageview by url in android?

for example i have an image's url: i want to load this link image into my imageview in my ...

Accessing images programmatically in

Hi. I am using visual studio 2008 coding I have 20 images on my site, the image holders being named picbox1 picbox2 picbox3 ... picbox20. I want to be able to address each picbox programmatically; pseudo code would look something like this if myvar = 1 then picbox(myvar).imageurl="XXXXXXX" end if Can this be done and if ...

Why will my AdRotator not display images? (Image paths are correct)

Hi. I'm writing a simple web application in C# and I've gotten to the part where I must add an AdRotator object and link four images to it. I have done this, but no matter what I do the images will not show up; only the alternate text. It makes no sense because the paths are correct. Supposedly AdRotator controls are really simple to use...