
An abstract method overrides an abstract method

public abstract class A { public abstract void Process(); } public abstract class B : A { public abstract override void Process(); } public class C : B { public override void Process() { Console.WriteLine("abc"); } } This code throws an Compilation Error: 'B' does not implement inherited abstract member 'A...

tabbarcontroller containing more than 5 view controllers iphone

i am developing an application in which i add 7 viewcontrollers to the tab bar. the tab bar automatically changes the last tab to "More" and then shows a table view containing the remaining view controllers. Is there any way that i can customize the table view that is displayed???? ...

Problem implementing declarative transactions

Hi I want to implement transaction control at the function level. What i want is something like this. class MyService{ static transactional = false @Transactional(readOnly = false, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) public def saveCountry(){ Country co = new Country(name:'mycountry') createState...