
SQL import wizard drops leading zero

I've read all the posts about prefixing the numbers with ', and setting IMEX=1 in the connection string; nothing seems to do the trick for me. Here's the setup: Excel column with mixed data - 99% numbers (some start with 0) 1% text. PROGRAMATICALLY mporting into SQL Server 2005 table / column type - varchar(255). Import works fine lo...

Import from Excel to MySQL database using SQuirrel

I have an Excel spreadsheet with a few thousand entries in it. I want to import the table into a MySQL 4 database (that's what I'm given). I am using SQuirrel for GUI access to the database, which is being hosted remotely. Is there a way to load the columns from the spreadsheet (which I can name according to the column names in the dat...

Importing Excel into SS2000; Error on Field; DTS

I'm trying to import an excel file in to a SQL Server 2000 database using DTS. This is nothing fancy, just a straight import. Where I work, we do this 1000 times a day. This procedure usually works without an issue but something must have changed in the file. I'm getting the below error: I've checked to ensure that the column "Assi...

Making a virtual package available via sys.modules

Say I have a package "mylibrary". I want to make "mylibrary.config" available for import, either as a dynamically created module, or a module imported from an entirely different place that would then basically be "mounted" inside the "mylibrary" namespace. I.e., I do: import sys, types sys.modules['mylibrary.config'] = types.ModuleTyp...

Problems importing SQL script from Oracle 9i to Oracle 10g express

I am currently running into a problem when trying to import an Oracle 9i SQL script into my local Oracle 10g Express database. I am trying to import the DDL from the 9i database to the 10g express database. I keep getting "Not compatible - Your export file is not supported". Has someone been able to get this working? Please let me know w...

cant import simple class/package into a simple jsp page using apatche tomcat.

can some-one please walk me threw the procces of loading a class or package in jsp with tomcat? i think it might just be a tomcat setup issue :S my jsp file runs fine without importing or using dbpool or dbpooljar. ive tried many suggestions to other peoples similar issues without any luck. any help would be apreciated! //============...

Import Existing Stored Procedures In SQL Server

I restored my development database from production, and the stored procedures I need in my development environment doesn't exist in my production database. Is there a command Ii can use to import the developmetn stored procedures back into SQL Server. There are about 88 files, as each procedure is in a different text file. TIA! Chris ...

How to do search/replace in a "binary" file from the command line

I have some data files to import into a database with some "unique" delimiters: Field Separator (FS): SOH (ASCII character 1) Record Separator (RS) : STX (ASCII character 2) +’\n’ I'd like to import the files into Postgres using the COPY command but while I can specify a custom field delimiter, it can't handle the record separator. I...

I'm having a helluva time with data importing (PHP MySQL)

I'm building an app that pulls data in from an excel .csv file and applying various levels of formatting, moving and mapping. Most everything is figured out except for one hitch with cleaning the data. Here is an example of the data from Excel: GREAT PERFORMANCES,GREAT PERFORMANCES,57744 ROUND LAKE RD,NEW YORK,NY "GUASTAVINO'S, INC",...

Python graceful future feature (__future__) import

How do you gracefully handle failed future feature imports? If a user is running using Python 2.5 and the first statement in my module is: from __future__ import print_function Compiling this module for Python 2.5 will fail with a: File "", line 1 from __future__ import print_function SyntaxError: future feature prin...

Tidier way of trying to import a module from multiple locations?

Is there a way to tidy-up the following code, rather than a series of nested try/except statements? try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: try: import json except ImportError: try: from django.utils import simplejson as json except: raise "Requires either simplejson...

Documentation for creating a custom SQL Server "Data Source" data provider

I'd like to write an import driver that will allow my proprietary file type to show up in the import wizard "Data Source" dropdown for SQL Server 2005 (or any version of SQL Server, for that matter). I see other vendors who've added their formats to this list - is there documentation for how I would put a driver together? I've searched M...

The most elegant way to import flatfiles into SQL server 2005 without using SSIS

For some reasons, SSIS is not avalialble. I read about OPENROWSET, but I will have others problem from on the format file and path of file. How can I do it in a elegant way? ... import csv with Java

How do I import a CSV file using APIs? I want to do this using the same functionality that is also provided when I open the same file using "CVS text" filter. ...

Has anyone tried the trac to fogbugz conversion/import tool? I suspect it will be a simple task, but just thought I would ask before I tried it. If you have used it, how did it go? Any caveats or things to help? Can the changes be undone automatically? Anything you would have done differently or configured in trac beforehand to make it go easier? By th...

How do you run a 300mb+ MS SQL .sql file?

I use RedGate SQL data compare and generate a .sql file so i can run it on my local machine but the problem is the file is over 300mb and i can't do copy and paste because the clipboard won't able to handle it and when i try to open the file in sql management tool. it give me error compiling about the size. is there a way to run large ....

Python: import the containing package

In a module residing inside a package, i have the need to use a function defined within the of that package. how can i import the package within the module that resides within the package, so i can use that function? Importing __init__ inside the module will not import the package, but instead a module named __init__, leadin...

How do I unload (reload) a Python module?

I have a long-running python server and would like to be able to upgrade a service without restarting the server. What's the best way do do this? if has changed: unimport foo <-- how do I do this? import foo myfoo=foo.Foo() ...

NAnt task running "svn import" fails

I would like to import a build product to Subversion in a NAnt build task. But it fails for me. The following works fine for me from the command-line: svn.exe import -m 'Importing build 14' build/ http://svn/builds/14/ --username builder --password secret In NAnt I have the following task: <exec program="svn....

What is the difference between #import and #include in Objective-C?

What are the differences between #import and #include in Objective-C and are there times where you should use one over the other? Is one deprecated? I was reading the following tutorial: and its paragraph about #import and #include seems to contradict itself or at least is unclear. ...