
Should I use jQuery.inArray()?

I'm doing very frequent searches in arrays of objects and have been using jQuery.inArray(). However, I'm having speed and memory issues and one of the most called methods according to my profiler is jQuery.inArray(). What's the word on the street about its performance? Should I switch to a simple for loop? My specific function is: func...

I am getting error in in-array function used in Multiple Select box

I have used Multiple select Box in edit form, displaying previously selected items in it using "in-array($needle,$haystack)" php function, but if the variable array "$haystack" in which multiple value is stored, there is no value,there I get the Warning message prompting for wrong datatype for second argument for in "in-array($needle,$ha...

Jquery Return Index Number For Each Item In Array and set that index at Rel Attribute Infinite Carousel

I am trying manipulate Jquery Infinite Carousel into dynamically resizing the image container based on the currently displayed image. I need to get the index of the Li element that contains the current image, but the problem is that Infinite Carousel removes and reorders the Li's automatically, which means that their EQ() properties are...

jQuery.inArray() - eclipse tells me this function is not defined

I have used the jQuery inArray function, but Eclipse tells me that this function is undefined. I don't understand how this can be so if it comes from the jQuery API. preId is an integer, and queryPreds is an array. Previously I was doing the if() statement a different way, which was tedious and prone to error but generally worked. I re...

Need help with inArray

Hi I have the following function, I need to make it return false only if one of two other checkboxes are checked. $.validator.addMethod( "ReutersNA", function(value, element) { var selectedCountry = $("#Country").val(); var NorthAmerica = new Array("USA","CAN","MEX"); if($.inArray(selectedCountry,NorthAmerica) > -1) { r...

Any way to make jQuery.inArray() case insensitive?

Title sums it up. ...

faster than in_array?

Dear all, I need to compare a value to a set of array. However, I need to compare multiple values in foreach. If using in_array, it can be slow, real slow. Is there any faster alternative? My current code is foreach($a as $b){ in_array($b, $array); } Thank you. ...

using jquery.InArray() if i have a collection of objects

in my javascript, i have an Array of Calendar objects. Each Calendar objects has an array of CalendarEvent objects Each CalendarEvent object has a property Date, Name. i want to check, give a date, it its exists in a specific Calendar. I wanted to see if i could use jquery.InArray() but it seems like i have to loop through every Cal...