
how to dispose a incoming email and then send some words back using googe-app-engine..

i read the doc: from google.appengine.api import mail mail.send_mail(sender="[email protected]", to="Albert Johnson <[email protected]>", subject="Your account has been approved", body=""" Dear Albert: Your account has been approved. You can now visit...

Incoming Mails in Sharepoint

Hello all, I have a Document Library that receives a mail every week. I want to show the list of mails with their summaries. Is it possible to get that mail's content in Sharepoint, without deploying a custom code? Thanks. Edit 1: Anyone? Anywhere? :( Edit 2: Incoming E-Mail Settings: By summary, I...

smtp e-mail headers: return-path vs. sender vs. from

Please help me make some order with email headers. What does each of the following mean: return-path, sender, from. The question is being asked in the context of an email receiving app (let's say a posterous clone). What can be easily faked? What can be verified? Under what circumstances can the three or two of them differ? ...

How to setup INCOMING ONLY mail server on Linux

Hi, Sorry if this is a very basic question (I couldn't find any tutorial on google so asking here). I want to setup an INCOMING ONLY mail server on Linux. (I have some websites, for which I wish to avoid google apps or some other solution). There are some reasons why I want my own incoming server (like ease of scripting, etc). Anyway...