
ilk target directory

If incremental linking is enabled, Visual C++ generates the *.ilk file in $(TargetDir), can I override this behavior and redirect it to another directory? (without using a post-build step) ...

Partial builds versus full builds in Visual C++

For most of my development work with Visual C++, I am using partial builds, e.g. press F7 and only changed C++ files and their dependencies get rebuilt, followed by an incremental link. Before passing a version onto testing, I take the precaution of doing a full rebuild, which takes about 45 minutes on my current project. I have seen m...

How can I know if an executable was incrementally linked or not ?

I'm trying to use Purify 6 to analyze a memory corruption in one of our executables built with VC++ 2003 (7.1). When I instrument the binary with the command: purify /Replace=yes /Run=no myprog.exe The instrumentation aborts telling me the executable was incrementally linked. Puzzled, I checked the build options but /INCREMENTAL:NO w...

C++: LINK : debug\XXXXX.exe not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link

Using visual studio 2008 SP1, This line: LINK : debug\XXXXX.exe not found or not built by the last incremental link; performing full link appears every single time I compile the project, no matter how small a change I make. What could be the reasons for that? ...

What is "incremental linking"?

I've looked at Microsoft's MSDN and all around the web, but I still haven't been able to get a really good idea of what it is. Does it mean the completed program loads DLLs at different times during its execution, as apposed to all at once upon launch? Am I totally way off? :) ...