
VB6 - Inet hangs - multiple form instances

Hi Here is my app status: Purpose - download multiple list files from internet Approach - created a simple "download form". After a while, I just needed more forms because I had more than one list of files to download. Just solved that by adding a MDIform to my project, add a button to create another "download form" instance and voilà....

Detecting HTTP close using inet

In my mochiweb application, I am using a long held HTTP request. I wanted to detect when the connection with the user died, and I figured out how to do that by doing: Socket = Req:get(socket), inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), receive {tcp_closed, Socket} -> % handle clean up Data -> % do someth...

Inet Socket and Socket?

Can anybody tell me the difference between a INET Socket and any other socket? Is there a C# library that will allow one to work with INET Sockets? I've attempted to find what it is, but I haven't found anything very useful. I'm suspecting it's something from the UNIX world. ...

How can I specify which port to use in Perl's IO::Socket::INET?

I am using IO::Socket::INET to create inter-process communication in my program. I need to use a specific port number in my TCP client. I was following the example in Perl doc, but it doesn't work. Here is my code: old code(working): tx_socket = new IO::Socket::INET->new('') || die "Can't connect to : $!\n"...

Perl: How to get IO::Socket::INET timeout after X seconds ?

I'm trying to connect to some host, using invalid port, and i want to get timeout after X seconds. How to do that ? My code: $sock = new IO::Socket::INET( PeerAddr => $_[0], PeerPort => $_[1], Proto => 'tcp', Timeout => 2 ); ...