
Reasons why PHP would echo errors, even with error_reporting(0)?

What are some reasons why php would force errors to show, no matter what you tell it to disable? I have tried error_reporting(0) and ini_set('display_errors',0) with no luck. ...

How do I check if ini_set() is enabled either in the global PHP.INI or in my PHP script?

I have an app that is failing on the install. The vendor says I probably have ini_set() disabled. How can I check this? ...

PHP script will not end when completed

I am working on an image upload script and ran into this problem. Using ImageMagick I would run out of time resizing and uploading images so I inserted these two lines: set_time_limit(120); ini_set('max_input_time', 120); Now however, the script never ends. It is continually running the page even though it uploads, resizes, and inse...

passing session id via url

I'm trying to get my script to use url session id instead of cookies. The following page is not picking up the variable in the url as the session id. I must be missing something. First page ini_set("session.use_cookies",0); ini_set("session.use_trans_sid",1); session_start(); $session_id = session_id();...

php session and path setting

I would like to separate my source folders into two: The folders that contain the code that you type into the address bar and those that make up parts of the page (tiles) and other code (classes, etc). So at the start of every php file I added: <?php // index.php include("config.php"); include("session.php"); ?> Config contains just t...

Changing upload_max_filesize on a shared webhost? (Apache, PHP)

Hello! I want to change upload_max_filesize on my shared webhosting account to something greater than 2M. Since I don't have access to php.ini, and apparently you can't use ini_set to change upload_max_filesize, I don't know what to do. Maybe something involving .htaccess? Thanks! ...

Php CLI script ignoring memory_limit, crashing at much lower number than limit

Hello, for some reason, my one of my php scripts are ignoring the php.ini memory limit or ini_set. When i do a print_r(ini_get_all) it shows the global memory limit set to 100M (and local for that matter), when my script dies at Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 24714304) (tried to allocate 571 bytes) Any tips on diagnosing this?...

PHP does not return errors at all

I am running PHP and nginx and I use a production version of php.ini. So the variable display_error is set to Off and there is a good reason I want it this way. But for certain files I need to enable error reporting. I used ini_set to turn on error reporting. But a simple code snippet like: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display...

Is it possible to set a location of a library extension within a Php file

I want to load an extension within a Php file as I don't have access to the php.ini file. I tried: ini_set('extension','php_gd2.dll'); With the file in the same directory as the Php page but it did not work. Must it always be done with in php.ini or can it be done like the above? ...

Strange problem while uploading large files

I am having a strange problem while uploading large files in PHP. In php.ini, max_execution_time is set to 30, post_max_size is set to 32M, upload_max_filesize is set to 32M. When I tried to upload a file of size 40.2 MB, it don't show any error. The $_FILES variable has the value array(0) { } and $_FILES['userfile'] shows NULL. If the...