
iPhone Development - UIImageView memory issue

Background: Inspired from Apple's sample code ScrollViewSuite, I've created a view controller class that shows picture thumbnails and one selected picture. The hierarchy of controls for the "selected" picture is something like this: --> UIView --> UIScrollView --> UIImageView Following code is used to put the UIScrollView...

Object-C: initWithContentsOfURL returning null

Hey! I'm working on an app that would display a remote html and use local images, so what I'm trying to do is download the HTML of the website and display it as a "local" page, that would have access to images in my bundle. For some reason I can't get initWithContentsOfURL to work. I checked all manuals and examples I could find and it...

grabbing data from an internal file

I'm grabbing data from an external file using NSURL with the code below. If i wanted to grab this data from an internal file in my resources folder how would the code be different. here's the NSURL code: NSURL dataUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:@"*/file.asc"]; NSString *fileString = [NSString stringWithConte...

How can I make multiple calls to initWithContentsOfURL without it eventually returning the wrong stuff?

I'm doing multiple levels of parsing of web pages where I use information from one page to drill down and grab a "lower" page to parse. When I get to the lowest level of my hierarchy, I no longer hit a new page, I basically hit the same one (with different parameters) and make SQL database entries. If I don't slow things down (by puttin...