
Injectin Session Bean to Session Scope Managed Bean

Consider that we inject a stateless session to a stateful session bean/seesion scoped JSF managed bean and the stateful session bean has multiple methods. Will the injected stateless session bean reference remain the same or will be available across multiple method calls? ...

Injecting JS in Google Chrome's page with variables from the userscript?

Hello, I am having a script that used unsafeWindow in FireFox, since that did not work, I have searched for another option, and found it, I am only wondering: How can I use a variable from my userscript into the unsafeWindow workaround? My code is: // ==UserScript== // @name Test // @description Test // @include*...

why doesn't my refactored ruby using inject work?

I tried to do some refactoring to convert an each block into an inject, but it didn't work and I don't understand why. Here's the code that works before refactoring: class String # Build the word profile for the given word. The word profile is an array of # 26 integers -- each integer is a count of the number of times each letter ...