
Tool to Convert External CSS to Inline CSS in Ruby?

I am messing around with GoogleDocs and it has very very primitive CSS support. If you upload an MSWord .doc or an HTML file and export it as HTML, all styles are applied inline. They have a style block in the html file, but when you upload the HTML file back to google docs, it doesn't apply any non-inline styles. So I was thinking "m...

Telerik RadEditor for MOSS - How do I suppress min-width inline CSS?

I'm having an issue with the RadEditor for MOSS, I'm really baffled as to the source of this issue. I tried using Firebug to find where any min-* CSS settings are happening and search came up empty, but I know it's happening because the downloaded page markup does not have that inline CSS. I believe that one of the Telerik control emitt...

how do i specify psedo class attributes inline?

This wiki I'm using (Google Sites) does not support linking of style sheets or even tags in its HTML mode (It sucks, I know). The only way to specify styles is to define them inline. I need to put a menu bar now. I've figured out a pure css menubar, but I'm having trouble defining the hover class inline. Any ideas? ...

Overriding inline CSS styles in IE7

I have a html tag with inline CSS style like: <body><div style="position:absolute;top:100px;"></body> and I want to override this inline position property. So, I wrote a CSS rule like this: body > div[style]{position:relative !important;top:0px !important;} The above code works in Firefox. But in IE7 it does not work. Am I missing an...