
[inno setup] Pascal and Delphi Syntax Error?!

This is the code section from inno setup.My intention is to make two Checkbox where at a time one is being selected. But this code return error. [code] section: procedure CheckBoxOnClick(Sender: TObject); var Box2,CheckBox: TNewCheckBox; begin if CheckBox.Checked then CheckBox.State := cbUnchecked; Box2.State := cbChecked; else ...

[How to] Checkbox :: Select one at a time

This is the code section from inno setup.My intention is to make two Checkbox where at a time one is being selected. But this code return error when first checkbox is clicked. [code] procedure CheckBoxOnClick(Sender: TObject); var Box2,CheckBox: TNewCheckBox; begin if CheckBox.Checked then ///error:"Could not call proc" [sud it be gl...

Inno Setup: Set default value for desktop icon-check box to true

I am struggling with getting Inno Setup to set the check box to true whether a desktop icon should be created. The documentation has not been any helpful concerning this issue as well as Googlism and Stackoverflow. [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchec...

Modifying setup file with PHP

I have an application that needs branding when downloaded in certain continents. When installed in North America, for instance, the application, when run, displays a different logo and company name than in Europe. The setup file is provided through a PHP script. Presently there is a Inno Setup executable for Windows and a DMG for Mac OS...

Inno setup - install app to Program Files, allow run not as admin

My installer installs the app to "Program files\MyApp", the app when running changes files within this location. On Vista, by default this brings up UAC issues. I want users to be able to run MyApp without being admisn or fighting the UAC screen everytime they run the app. If they have to get through UAC to install the app, that's OK th...

Set registry to control working dir when associating file-type with application

I'm using Inno for an installer, and I want to associate a file type with my app: Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".rpl"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "MyReplay"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue; Root: HKCR; Subkey: "MyReplay"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "Replay File"; Flags: uninsdeletekey; Root: HKCR; Subkey: "MyReplay\D...

Managing IIS through Delphi code.

Hi! I'm developing an Inno Setup installer and I need to manage an IIS server from my delphi code. I've googled how to add/remove ISAPI filters and how to create a virtual folder. However, I still need to be able to add/remove/list ISAPI extensions and create/remove websites. So my question is how can I do that? ...

Inno Setup install for another user

When a user has restricted rights on his/her computer and runs my Inno Setup installer, Windows pop-up an administrator login prompt. The problem is that when the administrator types in his/her username and password and logs-in, Inno Setup thinks that he or she is the logged in user and installs my app for that user instead of the origi...

Is there an easy way to edit a text file during install?

I want to update some xml files installed with a value using destination directory value{app}. I do not see any "easy" way except for writing pascal function or running external script (like sed). Am I missing something? Looks like this should be trivial in any installation tool... ...

Language selected by user in installing innosetup package

How to know what language user have selected to install setup in innosetup ? Im using innosetup 5.3 to package my application, its an multilingual application and so it would be useful if i knew what language user has selected to install the package. Thanks in advance. ...

inno setup - registry key vs. .ini files

Hi, Dabbling with creating an installer with inno setup- but wondering: What are the pros and cons of using registry keys (windows program) vs. .ini files that sit within the program folder? If I store all my user settings in .ini files, the entire program can be removed by deleting the folder. With registry keys i'd have to creat...

Application demands elevated privs to run on win7 but not vista

I have a simple app that I just tried the installer (Innosetup) on win7(32-bit). After I install it the program icon on the desktop gets that shield on it that notifies the user that the app demands elevated privileges. I thought it was something wrong with the installer and made on using NSIS instead, same problem. Does anyone know wh...

jre 1.6 check and progress bar in inno

Hello, I want to check whether hre 1.6 or higher is installed or not. If installed I want to progress my application. If not installed , I want to install jre-6u17-windows-i586-s.exe after successfully installing jre , my control not returns to inno again. Please send a inno script for that. best regards SOumen ...

Inno Setup script for copying folders

Hi! I need an Inno Setup script that copies a folder recursively. ...

How to make Inno Setup ignore the hidden attribute while searching for files?

I have to copy into the installer folders containing hidden files (in my case Desktop.ini). I use a line similar to this one in the [Files] section: Source: "folder\*desktop.ini"; DestDir: "{app}\folder"; Flags: recursesubdirs uninsneveruninstall; Attribs: hidden This line only works if I remove the hidden attributes. If all are hid...

InnoSetup: Check oldest version of app and show info message.

Hello, How to check that oldest version of application was installed during process of installation new version? What do I mean? I want before start installation start check process with dialog "please wait", if my installation found old version I can provide dialog "update or delete old and install new". How can I do it? Thanks. ...

Unattended Install of SQL Server 2005 Express with LOCAL Server InstanceName

I'm creating an install package using InnoSetup and installing SQL Server 2005 Express. Here's the code below that appears in my RUN section: Filename: "{app}\SQL Server 2005 Express\SQLEXPR.exe" ; Parameters: "-q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all INSTANCENAME=(LOCAL) SCCCHECKLEVEL=IncompatibleComponents:1;MDAC25Versio...

InnoSetup Uninstall Ask Message - Pascal Coding

I have created an installer for some of my games and I want the uninstaller to ask me if I want to save my game files. Something like this: when I execute the uninstall.exe to ask me 'Do you want to keep all saved games?' YES or NO. If I hit YES my save files remain and my program files are uninstalled and if I hit NO my program files in...

Registry based components with Inno Setup

Hello guys! I'm creating an application for my company. And the goal is to create a universal installer that will be checking user's registry for specific apps installed and according to these apps would create a list of available installation components in "Select Components" window. And that's the particular problem I'm stacked with. ...

Remaining time in inno-setup

Hi. I'm using inno-setup and I want to display the remaining time of the installation process. Is there any option to show it? ...