
Escaping in VB script

What are the best ways (or at least most common ways) in ASP (VB script) for input handling? My main concerns are html/javascript injections & SQL injections. Is there some equivalent to php's htmlspecialchars or addslashes, et cetera? Or do I have to do it manualy with something like sring replace functions? I'm sorry for asking such a...

Forbidding SVN commit lacking description

I have an SVN repository and I need the commits to fail if no description is entered. Is this possible to do, preferably server-side? (The users use several different tools for interacting with the repository; although if this were possible client-side in TortoiseSVN, that would alleviate the problem) Google has not been very helpful, c...

PHP - detecting non-English letters and filtering input

There's a comment form where I'd want people to be able to write in foreign languages too. But, for example, my spam-filtering mechanism would block something naiive as the word "été" simply because it has no vowels in it (english vowels that is). My question is, when using regex for detecting vowels like: $pattern = '/[aeiou]/'; I c...

drupal input filter example

I'm trying to write an input filter that turns everything that starts with http and ends in .mp3 into an audio element, so: -> <audio src='' /> The regexp is no problem for me, just not sure how to construct the module. A simple example that would allow me to add many additional rul...