
Showing the browser’s ‘select file’ dialog when focusing input[type=file] through keyboard navigation

As the title says, I want the ‘select file’ dialog to open when a certain input gets focus by tabbing through the form fields (using keyboard navigation). By default, the ‘select file’ window only opens when the field is clicked. I put up a page on JS Bin for this issue: Currently, this page consists of the ...

How to unit-test a method that receives a FormCollection to upload a file?

Hello, I want to Unit-test a method like the following: public ActionResult StoreFile(FormCollection form, string _paginaAtual) { Session["MySession"] = 1 if (Request.Files["uploadedFiles"] != null) { //do something about the file } return View() } It's inside my "SomeController.cs" contr...

How to check an input type="file" has a file or not using jquery?

I have a file upload control <input id="File1" type="file" /> in my page... How to check an input type="file" has a file or not using jquery on click of a button upload? ...

AJAX post to simulate Input type="file" path

Hi, I would like to know if its possible to make an AJAX post request to submit a file path to a form. Basically, I want to know if its possible to simulate the path a normal input type="file" would create, but in an AJAX request. Also, is it possible for that link to be pointing to a file on another website? I think I have no other cho...

Input-type-file path, where is it stored on AJAX request ?!?

Hi, I have been monitoring the parameters a website receives when a file is uploaded (via an input type="file"). Surprisingly, the parameter and its value were looking like this : parameter: upfile value: filename="this is the name of the uploaded file.png" Content-type: image/x-png Now in this POST request to the server page...

can i make file dialog in input type file in html to be multi select?

I want to implement a multi file upload I was thinking if its possible to have a browse button open a file dialog which may allow me to select more than one file and once i select them these files can upload. I am doing this on a website and using php jQuery etc. By looking at the answers i feel that multi-select is not possible. So i a...