
Accessing classes in an external Jar

I am having problems having my Java programs see classes that are packaged in an external jar. I am running under Windows 7. I have the classes embedded in a jar called ParserUtilities.jar. I established the path with a CLASSPATH variable using the System utility and the Environment tab. I confirmed that the CLASSPATH is set corre...

When running a shell script, how can you protect it from overwriting or truncating files?

If while an application is running one of the shared libraries it uses is written to or truncated, then the application will crash. Moving the file or removing it wholesale with 'rm' will not cause a crash, because the OS (Solaris in this case but I assume this is true on Linux and other *nix as well) is smart enough to not delete the in...

Sql Server 2008 Install

I already have Visual Studio 2008 installed. When installing developer Sql Server 2008, do I need to check the Business Intelligence Development Studio option? I'm guessing not. I assume if I already have VS 2008, the install will just add the relevant Sql Server related project types into VS 2008. EDIT: I marked the question answer...

Deploying WPF application: .NET 3.5 issues

Hi all, Users around my country are currently beta-testing our application. My app uses WPF & Linq, so I need .NET 3.5 installation. On most system, everything works find, including automatic installation on .NET 3.5 on machines that do not have that installed yet. However, on one machine (XP SP2) my application does not run. The user ...

Problem Installing Application on iPhone: Resource has been modified

Hi, I am working on a simple iPhone application and when I run my app on my machine it installs on the device, but when I try it on a Windows machine using an ad-hoc distribution profile, it shows an error: "Application couldn't be installed because a resource has been modified." I have 2 iPhones and have tested the same app; on iPhone...

installing ruby on rails without an internet connection

hi all, I am trying to install ruby on rails in my own intranet, I don't have an internet connection. There are several tutorials out there that try to explain how to do so, but they don't seem to work. Does anyone know of a full installation (including ruby, rails, IDE) that doesn't demand downloading files from the internet? Thanks ...

WMI Security error TF255437 when installing TFS 2010 RC

Does anyone know the resolution to the following error. In this scenario, TFS will be using a local report server instance which points uses a separate SQL Server database engine instance. An error occurred while querying the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) interface on the following computer databaseServer. The foll...

sql server incorrect checksum error on deployment

When I try to start the Sql Server (SqlExpress) service I got the following message: I've looked at the log file (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Log\ERRORLOG) and find out the following lines: 2010-03-09 06:12:35.51 spid7s Error: 824, Severity: 24, State: 2. 2010-03-09 06:12:35.51 spid7s SQL Serve...

How to run a ".bat" file during installation?

In a Setup project the executable files such as ".exe , .dll , .js , .vbs" are acceptable and there is no way to run a .bat file in a Custom Action. The question is how to run the "xxxxxx.bat" during installation? ...

Win7: Right place to install a program that may be 'shared' with other computers

We have an app that currently installs itself into 'program files\our app', and it puts the internal data files into the common Application Data folder. This means the program is available to any user on that particular PC. Now we want to make a multi-user version of this program, multiple PCs accessing the program at the same time acro...

Scapy install issues. Nothing seems to actually be installed?

I have an apple computer running Leopard with python 2.6. I downloaded the latest version of scapy and ran "python install". All went according to plan. Now, when I try to run it in interactive mode by just typing "scapy", it throws a bunch of errors. What gives! Just in case, here is the FULL error message.. INFO: Can't i...

How to Install Netbeans form independent zips?

I downloaded these zip files from the link with the hope that this way I will have a fine grained control over the installation process. But I stand clueles. I can't tell how to install Netbeans from these, there is no installation guide for this. Any ideas how to install Netbeans this way. Edit:...

Can't install psycopg2 (Python2.6 Ubuntu9.10 PostgreSQL8.4.2)

~/psycopg2-2.0.13$ python install running install running build running build_py creating build creating build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6 creating build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/psycopg2 copying lib/ -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/psycopg2 copying lib/ -> build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/psycopg2 copying lib/extensions...

How programmable detect if a user has admin rights (can run installer)

Hi in my code I need to detect if current user has rights to install other application (other application VC2005 redist. package)... and it should work on Vista. As I understand CheckTokenMembership or IsAdministrator do not give a complete solution. Thank you ...

How do I find out the expiry date of a SQL Server 2008 trial-install instance?

So I installed a trial of SQL Server 2008 enterprise edition while waiting for MSDN licenses to come through - I now want to uninstall the trial and replace it with a developer edition installation. However, I'd like to first know how long I have left on the trial. Is there a way to do this programmatically with SQL? I looked at creat...

How to instal in SVN repository on local Machine.

How to instal in SVN repository server on Windows local Machine.? ...

Linux directories

I am writing installation script for my program, which is supposed to run on Linux/Unix OS. What is the default directory for the following files: Executable files (programs). Program should be executed by typing its name from the command line. Shared libraries. Third-party shared libraries (the program is not open source, so I need to...

Custom installation directories

Let's say I am writing installation script for the program which contains executable file and shared library. By default, this script places executable to /usr/local/bin, and shared library to /usr/local/lib. In this case my program may be executed by any user by typing its name in the command line. Suppose that user selects custom inst...

What are the steps required to install latest Visual Studio 2008, including all updates?

I learnt the hard way that it is not possible to slipstream Visual Studio 2008 (embed all patches to the installation kir) - It will just fail to install properly, without letting you know that. So the only way is to install each patch one by one. What is the right sequence for this? It should include SP1, ATL patch, GDI patch, ... Als...

Best way to model Installation logic/flow

Hi All, We are currently working on designing the installer for our product. We are currently on the design phase and I'm wondering what is the best diagram (UML or not) to use when modeling installation logic or flow? Currently, we are using the good'ol flowchart. Thanks! ...