
Building Installation Disk for My Delphi 2010 Application

Dear All, Can someone please give me a step by step on how to build an installation disk for my Delphi 2010 application? I have tried both InstallAware Express Edition which comes with Delphi 2010 but keeps on giving me error message for it continue to look for *120.bpl instead of *140.bpl I have also tried InnoSetup with ISTool but f...

install previous version when service major upgrade fails

Hi, I have the following scenario. MSI installs a service. MSI makes MAJOR upgrade to this installed service (uninstalls old version and installs new version) During the major upgrade if it fails, it makes rollback and the service uninstalls completely. Is it possible to tell MSI that if service major upgrade fails, uninstall the up...

WIX will not add HKLM registry setting during Windows 7 install

Good Morning, I have written a WiX installer that works perfectly with Windows XP but when installing to a Windows 7 box I am running into difficulty with Registry Entries. What I need to do is add a HKLM entry as well as the registry entry for the program to show in the start menu. Here is the code i am using for both types of entry: ...

can we build a Mac installer with a delayed restart?

Hi We have built a Mac OSX installer which includes a driver that support some functinalities, hence we need to restart the machine after the installation. However, i wouldn't want to force it, but to allow users to postpone the restart for later (and meanwhile using the software without the driver) we couldn't find any option for that...

Get WiX to write a new GUID to the registry after each install

I'm trying to port an NSIS installer to WiX. Every time the installer runs it sets a registry key to a new GUID value, so that when my app runs it can see if it's first run after an install. On first run the app sets another registry key to the GUID value from the installer. As long as the two keys match then I know the installer hasn...

Create self extracting archive with autorun on linux for windows platform

Our application is distributed as a zip file, with a small bat/shell script that the user runs after extracting the archive to install the application. This zip file is currently created via mavens assembly plugin. The zip file we distribute contains a lib folder with an executable jar, as well as all the files we need as part off the d...

NSIS Vs WiX Vs AnyOther Installation Package

Hi, Need to create a Installation Package that would need to a) install a Database, b) create database and tables, c) installed already created installable in Visual Studio, d) create ODBC datasource, e) copy files. f) create shortcuts, etc Can you please suggestion which one to use? To simplify following would be my criteria(Desce...

Windows Service Install

I have a WCF Host with an Installer. What I'd like to achieve is to be able to communicate with another WCF service already installed as Windows Service on some machine. Is this possible ? Maybe if I override the Install method of the installer? Is this recommended? Do you guys see another way of achieving this? ...

How to do coding in ClickOnce installer?

I have to create a folder by doing coding in ClickOnce installer. I need to add plugins to my application which i want to download in a separate folder. for that i need to add a folder where all my plugins will be downloaded. Whenever any new plugin is available with the main application then it'll get downloaded in this custom folder(sa...

Patching an MSI created with Visual Studio 2005 Setup projects .vdproj

Folks, What should be the process of patching an MSI file that was created by VS 2005 using the setup projects ? I need to create an MSP file that will replace a few files only; is this doable via VS or any other tools ? ...

Powerpoint Viewer Auto Accept Licence

I have an installer that puts Powerpoint 2007 viewer onto the PC. It then opens a powerpoint file. The problem is the PPT viewer needs to have a user accept the licence agreement before the PPT file will display. Is there are registry setting for this licence agreement so that the user does not have to accept it manually? ...

Visual Studio Setup project sequence control

Can I run several installers from one installer in a defined succession? I have a webproject which requires a windows service, which requires a 3rd party converter product. So I have a WebProject installer which should run itself first (the webproject), then it should run a 3rd party installer and after that the windows service install...

Get the name of the current msi installation file from an Installer class

It is possible to get the name of the current installation file (.msi) from the Installer class of custom action ? I need something like this: [RunInstaller(true)] public partial class ProjectInstaller : Installer { public ProjectInstaller() { InitializeComponent(); **var fileName = CurrentMSIFileName();** ...

Setup properties are incorrect

I have a a setup file. if i right click on setup file. In its properties and detail; version number and product name are not shown on Vista. but on XP it is fine. Any help will highly Appreciated. Thanks ...

Best practice for easy deployment of multiple solutions

One of our product will consist of multiple SharePoint solutions. Now we're wondering what would be the best way to provide an easy deployment to our customers? At the moment we deploy each solution by hand, which is OK during development process but not acceptable for our customers. For your information, we're using VSeWSS 1.3 for deve...

Visual Studio installer deleting folders when upgrading a program from an older version

Hello, I'm currently finishing up a major upgrade of our software and have come across a very annoying problem with the installer. We use the Visual Studio 2008 installer and have made some changes to the installer project as part of this upgrade. In the old version it created some files and folders inside the users application data. ...

How to implement single installer for 32 & 64 platforms

I work on an WIX based installer. The installer builds to 32 and 64 platforms separately. The installers versions are very similar in both platforms but few conditional steps like avoid registering x64 native dlls in the 32 bit installer. Is there a way to unite both of the installers to one? ...

Escalating privileges on linux programmatically

I am creating a graphical installer that should run on Linux. Installing should consist of copying files to some places in /usr. Currently the installer is written in Python. How can I escalate the privileges of my installer when I need to copy files? I looked at PolicyKit but a) there doesn't seem to be a generic "install files" acti...

InnoSetup: Getting AppName in [Code] section

I'm creating an installer using InnoSetup, and writing some custom handlers in a [Code] section. In one of the handlers, I would like to be able to retrieve the value of the AppName (or, potentially, the value of other parameters) defined in the [Setup] section. Is there a way for me to do this? I've looked though the documentation, but ...

Creating small setups to deploy dll?

Hi, I've been using Inno Setup for deploying and registering a dll, but all the setups generated with InnoSetup have a min size of 500kb while my dll is only like 40kb. I don't want to use a packer such as UPX because I don't like the way they work. Is there another free app to create smaller setups for deploying dlls? ...