
Click-once for services?

I have an app that runs as a service, and I'd like it to be able to check a URL to see if a new version is available, and if so to download and install it. I can manually hack something together, but would be great if I could create an MSI package to update the service, and any other components that are part of my distribution. I'd also ...

Need a help on setting Reinstallmode and Reinstall

Hi, Im having MSI ,for minor update ,i will be updating only build number with no product code change. i try to paramters to msiexex . msiexec /i sample.msi Reinstall=ALL ReinstallMode=amus in command prompt.Inspite of setting in command prompt,I tried to update msi property through orca. I added 2 properties to Reinstallmode and reinsta...

Folder with sqlite db locked by explorer.exe after software uninstall

I have an uninstall issue with an app which is using sqlite: during installation a blank sqlite db is created in [CommonAppData]\MyApp\mydb.sqlite, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MyApp\mydb.sqlite. When I uninstall my app it can't delete the sqlite db, despite it removing the applications that are connectng to...

is it possible to create a multilanguage installer using WIX ?

is it possible to create a multilanguage installer using WIX ? ...

Location of files from extracted installshield setup.exe

I have a Installshield Basic MSI project. This project uses Installshield's bootstrapper to install several setup prerequisites. Everything is bundled and compressed inside a single exe (Setup.exe). I have one prerequisite that needs to know the the full path of the file to execute. Is there a property available to find this path? Or a...

Change the folder that is created in program file for my app.

I have a WM insataller that gerates a CAB. Almost everything is peachy there, but it creates a folder for my app that I would like to change. Right now it makes: \Program Files\fooorbar I could like to change it to: \Program Files\FooOrBar P.S. If you think of a better title for this question let me know. ...

Can I configure an MSI to install silently to a non-default directory?

I have a vendor supplied MSI file, and we want to automate the install to a couple thousand pcs/servers. Unfortunately, we would like to install it to our default apps directory, which is not c:\program files. Is there a way to do this easily? I'm experimenting with Orca, but I'd rather get a solid method on how to do this quickly and e...

Clickonce: setup.exe opens .application file in browser. Normal?

Hey :) I've just deployed our first ClickOnce application. Unfortunately it requires far more than one click to install our application. The user downloads the setup.exe and executs it The default browser pops up (e.g. Firefox) and the user has to download an ourapp.application file Afterwards he can start this file and after some sec...

How to create MSI package, which can install Windows installer itself

Hello! Is it possible to create MSI package, which will run without Windows installer installed in system, but first will install Windows installer itself, and then continue installing other components? The goal is to create prerequisite package for our software, which must install some components, including some operation system servic...

NSIS: Is there a way to set the location of strings or controls such that they are in reference to one another?

I'm currently using the NSIS InstallOptions plugin to create some custom pages in my installer. When you set the location of controls you want to create, you have to specify the exact coordinates of where that control should be created. This is fine when your installer is truly static, but I'm making a move to internationalize the inst...

How can i package mysql db into my installer like(install4j)

Hi guys, i am working on developing accounting program and i am using mysql DB, and i use install4j for making windows installer, i can package jre in my installer, but my question is how can i package mysql DB in this installer, thanks. ...

PackageManager 3.0.2 - Adding Plugins

Hi, I've programed a plugin for an installer package I am planning to use.I've used Apple's Package manager 2.4 (Tiger) before where I could right click packages (*pkg), navigate through the contents folder, create a plugins directory and paste my plugin plus the installersections.plist file. However in version 3.0 (Snow Leopard), I can...

Configuration file 'C:\my\App.Config' is being used to configure all executables

I have a Visual Studio setup project that installs an application into the task scheduler and also installs a GUI application to manage some configuration parameters in the registry. This being the case, the setup project installs two different primary outputs (.exe's) as part of the process. I am getting the following warning when I r...

How to write a Spring/JavaEE/web application installer?

I am in the process of converting a legacy system into a Spring JavaEE application and have gotten stuck trying to design the install process. Basically when the application starts up, it needs to check whether the database schema exists and other settings and prompt the user to set them step-by-step until everything is setup. (User is a...

WiX: How can I set a property externally?

In my WiX installer, I've got a property for a UserID that gets written to a registry key: <Property Id='UserID' Value='123' /> <Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'> <Component Id='UserIDComponent' Guid='C7A5A70E-261C-11DF-9FB7-49AC56D89593'> <RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]' Type=...

Your thoughts on "deploying" a web application to a desktop by wrapping it in a google chrome window?

I have a particular web application that like most others, has to account for different browsers. It's starting to become particularly unwieldy and we've considered just telling users not to use IE so we can be done with it (it's an internal app - we can do this). When I was setting up a Google Apps account, I noticed that you can prov...

WiX - CustomAction ExeCommand - Hide Console

We've gotten a custom action that runs command-line to work as such: <CustomAction Id="OurAction" FileKey="OurInstalledExe.exe" ExeCommand="our command line args" Execute="deferred" Return="check" /> The problem is, the user sees a console popup when the command runs. The command line requires UAC elevation, but should not require an...

How to change event log properties from WiX script?

Our WiX script currently creates an event log source using the method described here. However, the log is created with default values for the Maximum log size and how it behaves when the log is full (e.g. Overwrite events as needed). Is there an easy way to change those values when creating the source? I'm guessing it would require cr...

Wix Conditionally Install Component if Registry Key Exists

I have a component I need to install only if a registry key exists which means an application has been installed. I need to assign the value of the registry key (it is a directory) to a property then use this property to copy files from. I have the following script so far but get an error "The system cannot find the file '[MYTESTDIR]fi...

Problem with customized installer

We have created customized installer using Visual studio 2008 installer and in BeforeInstall method we are calling a splash screen. The problem here is when we click on setup.exe to start the installation it takes almost 25 sec to show the splash screen. Can you please let me know if there is any way to reduce this time or any other alte...