
WiX: .Net 3.5 prerequisite

I have a WiX installer that I would like to check for .Net 3.5, and install it if it does not exist. I have the following lines in my wixproj file: <BootstrapperFile Include="Microsoft.Net.Framework.3.5"> <ProductName>.NET Framework 3.5</ProductName> </BootstrapperFile> <BootstrapperFile Include="Microsoft.Windows.Installer.3.1"> ...

where can i get a tutorial for using visual studio installer

Anyone have suggestions on good tutorials or examples of how to create MSI packages using visual studio? In particular, I'm interested in creating a deployment package for an ASP.NET website. ...

how to create drag and drop mac installer?

I have made my java application's jar file and now want to create drag and drop installer for it.Also I want to know that how to create shortcut for Applications folder for the same purpose. how can I do this? ...

How to add the java application to the mac installer

HI Any one can get the idea to create the APP file to make my application to install in macos Thnaks in advance ...

Adding a custom installer window .msi .net wut

I don't know a great deal about the .msi thing with .NET but can I add a custom window to the process that saves the results of the WPF window or winform to the install folder as a .xml file etc.? ...

Installing a COM object without privileged access for use in Microsoft Office

Start with a series of MS Office extensions built in C++ as COM objects. Add a user who really badly wants to avoid the requirement of an installer with the necessary privileges to write to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. I've seem bits of evidence that MS has created some sort of trick for shadowing HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT from HKCU. Is this, in fact, p...

Passing arguments to java vm from NSIS script

I'm developing my first java application using Eclipse. I've recently needed to adjust the amount of memory allocated by passing -Xmx256M to the JVM. The application is currently package up as a runnable jar and installed using the NSIS. I'm having a problem passing arguments to the jar file once its installed. What is the common practi...

No Debug Info in WiX Managed Custom Action using Visual Studio integration

I have managed to create a custom action in C# using MakeSfxCA which is mostly working. However, there is some kinks which needs debugging to sort out. (The "printf-debugging" just is not enough.) However all debug info is lost. When MakeSfxCA is called from the Visual Studio project the .pdb-file is not passed as an argument, so no de...

Why does 7zip Ignore my InstallPath when making a SFX installer?

Currently, I am making a SFX with 7zip using the following config: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! InstallPath="C:\\test" GUIMode="2" RunProgram="7z465.exe" ;!@InstallEnd@! I then package 7z465.exe into Setup.7z, and then call the following line in a batch file: copy /b "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7zSD.sfx" + config.txt + ".\Release\Setup.7z" .\Relea...

Run SQL scripts on windows mobile installer

Hi, We are working on a Windows Mobile 6.5 application in Visual Studio 2008. The application is already installed in some devices, and we need to distribute a new version with changes in the database schema (we added a few tables). Is there a way to make a "patch" windows mobile installer that will replace the application and update the...

Bootstrapper (setup.exe) says ".NET 3.5 not found" but launching .msi directly installs application without problem

Our installer generates a bootstrapper (setup.exe) and a MSI file - a pretty common scenario. One of the production machines reports a strange problem during install: If the user launches the bootstrapper (setup.exe), it reports that .NET 3.5 is not installed. This happens with account under administator group. No matter if they launc...

Incompatibility between x86 and x64 in Installation solution

Hello, I have installation solution that have installer project (not web installer but simple installer) that installs NT services, web service and web sites with help of additional two projects of dlls with my own code that performs my installation step. In user actions of installer project I call installer function of one of those pr...

How does the setup bootstrapper detect if prerequisites are installed?

Trying to solve this problem. I would like to learn how the bootstrapper detects if prerequisites (specifically .NET 3.5) are installed. According to this reference, a way to detect if .NET is installed is to check the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v3.5 Using process monitor, I ...

How to create file association with two program and making one default if both present?

I have to create file association for an extension with two programmes and if both programmes A and B are present then choose program A to open the file. If only B is present then choose program B to open the file. If you can give the wix code or else you can provide me with registry details. ...

Pass MSI parameters to .NET installer class

Hello Gentlemen! I have an exercise for you ! :) I need to get an [INSTALLDIR] MSI property in my Installer class implemented in C#. Using InstallShield 2010, I created a component with a .NET assembly defined as key file of the component. Specified that the component is a .NET Installer Class, implemented required interface and made s...

How to create share for a whole drive under WiX?

I would like to create a share for a whole drive in my WiX installer project. The default approach for share creation works just fine for folders, but not for drives! The following code snippet illustrates the problem: <!-- Works! --> <Property Id="MySharePath"><![CDATA[X:\ROOT]]></Property> <!-- Works NOT! <Property Id="MySharePath"><!...

Can I modify package.xml file in SQL bootstrapper to install a named SQL server instance

I want to use the SqlExpress2008 Bootstrapper for a new installation on Windows7, I do not want to use the default SQLEXPRESS Instance. I have attempted to edit the package.xml file located in: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\SqlExpress2008\en\package.xml and updated the command argument instan...

How do you debug a windows service that is being installed?

I know how to attach a debugger to a windows service, but I can't seem to get attached to one that's being installed and started by a windows installer. I've tried: Setting a Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); at the beginning of the on-start, but when I try to attach in Visual Studio, the name of the service does not appear as an...

Have an issue installing Visual Studio 2010 RC on Windows XP SP3

I had an issue installing Visual Studio 2010 RC on Windows XP SP3? (Have installed same ISO package on Vista and worked fine...) Setup would fail no matter what I tried: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate RC Setup A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup. ...

What is the the best way to install .NET reference assembly folders in 64 bit

Installing reference assembly folders in 32 bit is straightforward: 1 Copy your files in ProgramFiles\MyApp 2 Add a registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft.NETFramework\AssemblyFolders*MyApp* pointing to ProgramFiles\ MyApp But things fall apart in 64 bit. First, the msi installs into program files (x86) instead of program files. Secon...