
Making an installer for .net application that depends on avifil32.dll?

I am new to .net and have this problem: I want to make installer for application that uses avi wrapper described here. That library depends on avifil32.dll as I've found out in the source which contains [DllImport("avifil32.dll", PreserveSig=true)]. I've made setup project in visual studio 2008 and installer is working fine on some m...

Show confirmation dialog before installing prerequisites

I have a windows application (an IE plugin actually) that depends on .NET and is installed via an installer created in visual studio (2010). I've got it working so that that it is generating a Setup.exe which installs the .NET framework automatically if needed (via the prerequisites mechanism), but I've been asked to show a confirmation...

What is the use of MS Office related lockbackreg.msi?

I recently noticed that a installer file named lockbackreg.msi is included in a setup package that I use to install a large application on my machine. This file is said to be a MS .NET Update required by Office 2003 for addin functionality but I could not figure out the exact use of it. Does anyone has any information on why this file is...

.net installer to add mysql database tables on install

Hi, I am getting to a point now with my program where by i am writing the .net installer to install it in the right location etc. my question is, is there a way that when i run the installer i can also add database tables to a mysql database? or should i write a seperate program to run after install which checks the db and adds the t...

Visual C# Express "Installer"

I am writing a small app which I want to be stored in a particular location on each laptop it is run on. The reason for this is that it is a wizard for configuring new laptops - e.g. it joins the domain, sets some reg keys, does some configuration - but requires some reboots along the way. As such I want to either put it in startup or m...

What are the differences between the two Python 2.7 Mac OS X disk image installers?

Python 2.7 has two different disk image installers for Mac OS X. My questions are: What are the differences between the two Python 2.7 disk image installers? Python 2.7 32-bit Mac OS X Installer Disk Image for Mac OS X 10.3 through 10.6 Python 2.7 PPC/i386/x86-64 Mac OS X Installer Disk Image for Mac OS X 10.5 or later If running Mac...

Creating a cross platform installer in Linux

Hi How to create installer of say file which is swf and html and this html has to be created a short cut on the linux desktop . Is there any software that will solve my problem. Thanks ...

How to easily install and uninstall unix packages

Hey everyone. I'm using the Ubuntu server for some time now. Everything is working fine, installing packages is a piece of cake. Usually I use aptitude or apt-get for package management. But...! There are cases when I need to install a package from a source. No problem usually I do ./configure, make install and so on. But...! There are a...

WiX Executing an Application Unconditionally

alo Everyone. My problem is twofold. I have a WiX Project that I have been working on, and have been tasked to make it perform a program execution regardless of the user pressing cancel, the installation being aborted (via an already existing version) or the user successfully finishing the installation. I currently use the built-in di...

How to change mouse cursor inside Inno setup?

Hi, I created a setup using Inno installer, during the setup, I made some lengthly operations to check certain values over the system (registry keys, some files...) and during that time no interface is displayed to the user, I do all of this inside InitializeSetup function. What I would like to know is if I can change the mouse pointe...

Skinning MSI pckages.

I have a game application developed using C#. Is there any way to skin my MSI (installer) package ? ...

web.config changes in installer and based on targeted environment

Need some assistance with my Visual Studio projects and in particular with release process. To release my web application, I use a web deployment project to deploy my web application. I have split my connection strings and app settings into a seperate config files, with a config file for each environment I might be creating the msi for ...

.msi Installer interrupted

Im trying to run a ".msi" insall file. The installtion fails and I get an "Installer interrupted" error. I ran the installation with logging and I got the following dump, any ieas? Dump: === Verbose logging started: 16/08/2010 9:52:35 Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.7600.00 Calling process: C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe === MSI (c) ...

How to run a file before setup with Inno Setup

Hi! Is it possible to run a file with Inno Setup, before the setup beginns? Documentation ...

Get [Messages] values in InnoSetup's language file

I know I can easily get messages inside [CustomMessages] AdditionalIcons=blablabla using this code: ExpandConstant('{cm:AdditionalIcons}'); which gets the AdditionalIcons string message. However, how can I get messages inside this? [Messages] ButtonNext=huhu ButtonInstall=bubu What I need is to get the ButtonNext, ButtonInstall ...

Close running version of program before installing update (Inno Setup)

This should be simple, I need to stop any previous version of my program from running when the installer starts. Most people suggested making an exe which does this and calling it before Inno Setup starts. I careated an exe using AutoIt which kills all processes of my program. The problem is I don't know how to get InnoSetup to call ...

Windows Service installer

I created a Windows service and an installer for it. Now I want to run the windows service under account say na\test.\ I am specifieng it in Projectinstaller. this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Account = System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount.User; this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Password = "pass123" this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Username = ...

Customize ClickOnce Insatller

Hi, I have created a plugin for excel using excel template in .net 2008. And i am packaging it using the clickOnce installer. My plugin is dependent on a external script, which i need to run once explicitly just like the installer. Is there some way by which i can add a step in installer to call this script? So that the user just needs...

How to add an entry to registry Run key via VS2008 setup and deployment

I'm creating a VS2008 installer script for my project. I want to add a value to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run to run my EXE at start up. Is there a way I can specify a reference to my executable ("Primary output from Project"), so that the installer script inserts the correct value into the registry when it runs? ...

how to run or install a *.jar file in windows?

i have downloaded jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar but i don't know how to install or run the file. if i double click it it is opening in winrar application. i tried installing through command prompt, but i got some errors as follows C:\Documents and Settings\ccuser\Desktop\manoj>java -jar jbpm-installer-3.2.7.jar Exception in thread "main"...