
High-performance Math library for .NET /C# and Java

We currently have a high-performance scientific application written in C++ that makes use of Intel Math Kernel Library. We are considering writing a benchmark application written in Java and .NET/C# to compare the performance difference. To do that, we also need a good (commercial is preferred) math library for both. Does anyone know of...

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Computation in Intel Math Kernel

Does any know what is the algorithm used for eigenvalues and eigenvectors computation in Intel Math Kernel library? From the link I can find is that it seems to use pdsyev algorithm, which uses QR algorithm, that would deteriorate in the face of large matrix. If this were true, then the mkl isn't a suitable library for computing large ...

Intel MKL memory management and exceptions

Hello everyone, I am trying out Intel MKL and it appears that they have their own memory management (C-style). They suggest using their MKL_malloc/MKL_free pairs for vectors and matrices and I do not know what is a good way to handle it. One of the reasons for that is that memory-alignment is recommended to be at least 16-byte and with...

Defining mkl_progress with Win32 DLL

Is there a way to define mkl_progress when using the DLL implementation of Intel's MKL libraries on Windows? All the documentation I've been able to find seems to suggest that you have to be statically linked to the libraries in order to use mkl_progress. ...

ATLAS Linear algebra and openmpi on multicore with python

I use mpi4py and openmpi on a multi-cpu/core machine to do linear algebra. My numpy is built using ATLAS. Suppose I have a 4 core machine and I would like to run a 4 node python script that does linear algebra on each node using numpy. How can I ensure that ATLAS does not use more than one core when it is doing linear algebra in each no...