
Oslo's Intellipad: How to set up the 3 column MGrammarMode?

I've been using Oslo for MSchema. Works great. I can write an M Schema for a database design and it generates T-SQL to build the entire db with PKs, FKs, checks for integrity etc. I've set up a .bat file to compile the .m into .mx then load it into the db, then run SqlMetal into my project and in 30 seconds I'm moving on with my chang...

XText for EClipse & Oslo Intellipad for SQL Server then WHAT FOR .NET ??

XText is a great editor and language manufacture for the DSLs in EClipse. I thought that Intellipad is the equivalent in the .NET world, of course as all I get disappointed when Microsoft announce that it would be part of SQL Server. Now if I need to create a DSL that runs on the .NET environment with editor that support coloring, intel...