
Over-enthusiastic Intellisense in VS2010 - can I tweak it?

Since I have upgraded from VS2008 to VS2010, I've been having an increasingly infuriating battle with the Intellisense. For example, when specifying CSS styles, when I press Enter to start an new line, Intellisense (appropriately) lists available Styles to me. And if I select color and then type ':', it presents a list of color presets ...

Visual studio Intellisense parameter summary

Ive used visual studio for years, but the answer this eludes me: When intellisense pops up, for a method call that takes more than one parameter, the summary for the first parameter is shown. The only way i've found to show the summary for the following parameter(s) is to either supply each parameter or just hit comma until i get the on...

How can I make VS2010 insert using statements in the order dictated by StyleCop rules.

The related default StyleCop rules are: Place using statements inside namespace. Sort using statements alphabetically. But ... System using come first (still trying to figure out if that means just using System; or using System[.*];). So, my use case: I find a bug and decide that I need to at least add an intelligible Assert to mak...

Automatic adition of `using` in CodeRush.

I just installed CodeRush Pro (evaluation trial) for Visual Studio and I can say I like it much so far. Comparing to Resharper there is only one type of feature I'm really missing. It is the way CodeRush deals with using. When I type some class name that is not declared in some package listed in using, CodeRush underlines it red as an er...

Missing Intellisense While Describing Custom Control Properties Declaratively

So, I've been working on this project for a few days now, and have been unable to resolve the issue of getting intellisense support for my custom-defined inner properties for a user control (ascx, mind you). I have seen the solution to this (using server controls, .cs mind you) many times. Spelled out in this article very well. Everyth...

Visual Studio 2010 Intellisense annoyances

In VS2010 when my intellisense (for C#) pops up the first selected item is not highlighted. This means i have to press down/up-arrow before i press dot/enter/parenthesis to get the full word. This only happens with the new intellisense (the one that searches everywhere and not only in the beginning). Also, how do i switch between the o...

In Visual Studio 2010, intellisense isn't showing for long method signatures

The problem is exactly as asked in the question title. When I'm typing in the text editor and referencing a public method that has a long signature (lots of parameters, usually 10 or more) the intellisense just stops working. It will sometimes flicker; other times it will not show at all. Only seen this happen with C#, but I don't use...

zend studio intellisense stopped working

Hi all. The intellisense feature in zend studio 7 just stopped working. I do as usual -> Start typing, hit ctrl+space and the suggestions pop up is empty. It just happened out of blue. No hard eclipse restarts, no crashes! Anyone got any thoughts? Thanks ...

ASP.NET Intellisense doesn't work in attributes

It seems that Intellisense just doesn't work within attributes in an ASP.NET page. I really like strong typing, because I like Intellisense, and so I generally make sure to bind to a strongly typed object in ASP.NET: <Repeater ID="rep" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <div id="mydiv" class="<%# TypedObject.Class %>" runat="server"...

Undocumented overload of string.Split() ?

According to both Intellisense and MSDN doc on string.Split, there are no parameterless overloads of string.Split. Yet if I type in string[] foo = bar.Split(); It compiles. And it works. I have verified this in both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010. In both cases intellisense does not show the parameterless overload. Is there a reason...

Is there anyway to duplicate the intellisense provided by the Color struct in visual studio?

What I want to do is provide some public static fields that will be used as instances of an interface implementation and have intellisense pick them up when the interface is a method argument. The idea is to have it look like an enum to the developer. I reference Color because basically this is the behavior I want, I just don't know ho...

What's the preferred Java editor for OS X

I currently use Textmate for most of my editing, but am taking a Java course and am wondering if there's a better editor out there, especially one that might have some form of intellisense or active debugging. ...

Stopping Intellisense from outputting Assembly directive by default

I'm using ASCX files quite extensively in my latest project and I've come across an annoyance - when I go to type: <%= Something %> Due to Intellisense I get the following when I type the equals sign: <%@ Assembly= %> This happens anywhere in the file, which is strange as the top of the file is the only place I would ever want such...

Eclipse Intellisense?

How do I tell Eclipse to automatically make suggestions as I type? I'm looking for a Visual Studio Intellisense-like feature with Resharper. Currently I have to press CTRL+Space each time. ...

Visual studio 2010 colourizers, intellisense and the rest. Where to start!!

Ok, before I begin I realize that there is a lot of documentation on this subject but I have thus far failed to get even basic colourization working for VS2010. My goal is to simply get to a point where I can open a document and everything is coloured red, from here I can implement the relevant parsing logic. Here's what I have tried/...

Visual Studio IntelliSense - IHideObjectMembers trick doesn't work. What am I missing?

The IHideObjectMembers trick can be used e.g. in fluent interface implementations to hide System.Object members from IntelliSense. (If you don't know this trick, you can read up on it via the above link; I'm just repeating the interface's usual declaration here:) using System; using System.ComponentModel; [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsab...

Why is there no intellisense in a CLR/CLI project

I don't know if I have done anything wrong, but when I try to write code there are no intellisense popups indicating options or errors. I am creating a CLR/CLI type of project with Microsoft's Visual C++ 2010. ...

How can we add IntelliSense to visual studio in time of nhibernate mapping file editing?

How can we add IntelliSense to visual studio in time of nhibernate mapping file editing? ...

IntelliSense-style completion-without-TAB in Xcode

In Xcode, to complete a suggestion you need to press the TAB key. In Visual Studio, you can just type some punctuation and it will finish the suggestion. e.g. in VS, typing f.m(); could expand to foo.method();, whereas in Xcode you'd have to type fTAB.mTAB();. Is there any way to emulate VS's behaviour in Xcode? ...

Visual Studio 2010 Intellisense squiggles for C code

Intellisense in Visual Studio 2010 interprets C code as C++ and marks errors where they don't exist, as in: struct my_struct *s = malloc(sizeof *s); which is valid C, but not valid C++. Is there any way to fix this? ...