
Will IntelliTrace(tm) (historical debugging) be available for unmanaged c++ in future versions of Visual Studio?

I love the idea of historical debugging in VS 2010. However, I am really disappointed that unmanaged C++ is left out. IntelliTrace supports debugging Visual Basic and C# applications that use .NET version 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, or 4. You can debug most applications, including applications that were created by using ASP.NET, Win...

What technical restrictions might prevent MS from implementing IntelliTrace on VS 2010 64-bit?

I found that IntelliTrace is not supported on Visual Studio 2010 64-bit version. MS says its because of technical restrictions Can anyone shed some light on what those restrictions might be? Thanx. ...

intellitrace standalone recorder

I know that Test Case Management app silently records intellitrace data dump files ( I was curious if there is a standalone version that allows to record intellitrace logs (e.g. something that would sit in the tray window). ...

IntelliTrace - Says it needs a Symbol Server

I am trying to get my Automated builds working with IntelliTrace. When I load a IntelliTrace file that was based off a build, it get the following error: The build associated with this IntelliTrace log file was not configured to publish symbols to a symbol server. You may have to enter the symbol path for this debugging session manu...

Why can't I inspect local variables with IntelliTrace for VS 2010?

When navigating to previous calls/events during debugging with IntelliTrace, I can't see a snapshot of the value of locally-defined variables. When hovering with the mouse I get the message "Intellitrace data has not been collected". Does anyone know why? ...

Open source alternative for "Intellitrace"

Microsoft has recently announced "Intellitrace", a killer feature for VS2010 IMHO. Basically it records some of the instructions the program ran (specifically function calls), and allows you to easily look through the execution log. Is there a similar feature for open source tools? Specifically such a feature for Java with Eclipse inte...

A Good demo app for Intellitrace

I want to demo intellitrace. But all of my simple apps end up not having the methods instrumented (despite me setting the most complete "tracing" I can). Does anyone know of a good demo app for intellitrace? (or a good idea of one?) ...

"IntelliTrace debugging not available" error in Visual Studio 2010

In XP 32bit Visual Studio 2010 I get the error below when I start debugging with IntelliTrace enabled. Doesn't IntelliTrace work in Windows XP or is there some setting which causes this error? UPDATE: The error occurs when I choose the second option to add call information in the IntelliTrace settings. There's nothing in the event log...

Can I use VS2010's Intellitrace to gather data for a Windows Service?

I have a Windows service that I'd like to gather some debugging data on using Intellitrace - the problem is that you can't debug a Windows Service by starting it directly from inside VS. I have the service installed, and the very first statement in Service.Start is "Debug.Break", which allows me to attach VS. However, you can't use Intel...

Why doesn't IntelliTrace show the code?

I am debugging an application in an Azure sever using IntelliTrace. Sometimes I can see the code that originated an exception but sometimes I can't. And the exceptions which respective code I can't see are always the same. Is there any reason why I keep getting the same message (No source available) in the new tab when I double click th...

Application identity not set Exception

Hi, I have just converted a project to VS2010 and I now starting to see Exceptions in my software in IntelliTrace. One such Exception is 'Application identity is not set', this occurs whenever my software see's something like string m_AppPath = Application.UserAppDataPath; This isn't a problem as the AppDataPath returns correctly, I...

Automatically deleteting old IntelliTrace recordings

I recently noticed that I collected 22GB worth of IntelliTrace recordings. Sadly, I was unable to find a location in the IntelliTrace settings that would allow me to automatically delete them. Is there an solution to this in Visual Studio or do I have to take care of this myself? edit: As Hans Passant suggested, I submitted a suggestion...

IntellitraceFile throwing strange error

Can someone explain this error? (it showed up after enabling tracing in the collection plan.) Test method ExecuteTaskTest threw exception: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey...

Trace calls to external assembly to create correct unit test

I am linking my application to a 3rd party library. Now I have found a bug within this module and I can even reproduce it in the application. To make an example for the developers of this module I am now doing a unit test but the error does not show up. Then I discovered Tracepoints in Visual Studio. Is there a way to trace all calls go...

Is it possible to trace all the events fired when debugging a Silverlight application in Visual Studio?

I'm debugging a Silverlight application that is consuming 100% CPU usage because some event is being fired repeatedly. First of all, does Intellitrace works on Silverlight? ...

Intellitrace is not available for native or mixed-mode debugging

Hi, I just opened an old C project in Visual Studio 2010 and tried to understand Intellitrace. But I get this error message Intellitrace is not available for native or mixed-mode debugging I searched a bit on SO and found similar but not yet resolved questions. Do you know what could be the problem? Thanks ...

Silent exception caught by IntelliTrace

Good afternoon, I am running into a curious problem with WCF and IntelliTrace. I have an application that I'm testing using a locally-hosted WCF endpoint (the development server built into VS2010) using the basicHttpBinding. The application has been running normally: no exceptions are are making their way to the app and all of the WCF...

BadImageFormatException occurs only when Intellitrace configured for calls

I'm running VS 2010 Ultimate on 64 bit Windows 7. The application is compiled for x86. Intellitrace works fine with the default setting of events only. When I go to Debug | Options and turn on call information, then start a debugging session, I get a BadImageFormatException with this message: [R:\CfmDataMatch.exe] Invalid Typeref token...