
How Firebug works internally?

I have debugged through JavaScript using Firebug more than hundred times without worrying about whats happening there. I want to know how exactly a Firebug handles JavaScript/DOM debugging. Say I set a break point on some statement inside a method and start debugging. I want to know what's going on in there? ...

How can I learn more about Python’s internals?

I have been programming using Python for slightly more than half an year now and I am more interested in Python internals rather than using Python to develop applications. Currently I am working on porting a few libraries from Python2 to Python3. However, I have a rather abstract view on how to make port stuff over from Python2 to Python...

String concatenation in Python.

Can you describe difference between two ways of string concatenation: simple __add__ operator and %s patterns? I had some investigation in this question and found %s (in form without using parentheses) a little faster. Also another question was appeared: why result of 'hell%s' % 'o' refers to another memory region than 'hell%s' % ('o',)...

what is unix/linux internals ?

When somebody asks me about how strong you are in unix/linux internals ? What do they really mean ? Though i have some idea, i would like to hear from some experts that, what is really meant by unix/linux internals. My ideas are, i have to be strong in, linux boot process user creation how does a command executes filesystem related ...

Why does UnitCount differ between PackageInfoTable and TPackageTypeInfo?

If you put a breakpoint in System._StartExe and examine the InitTable that gets passed in, you'll notice that InitTable.UnitCount is greater than InitTable.TypeInfo.UnitCount. Unfortunately, neither of these records are documented very well. Does anyone know what these two numbers represent and why they're different? I assume InitTabl...

What book about OSX internals can you recommend?

There's but it looks a bit dated. Specificaly, it talks about bits that are no longer in use (powerpc bootloader for example) on modern machines. So, my question really is: is there any other book, as comprehensive and detailed as this one? ...

What is the "identity pointer" before a TTypeInfo there for?

If you poke around enough in Delphi internals, you'll find something strange and apparently undocumented about TTypeInfo records generated by the compiler. If the PTypeInfo points to a TTypeInfo record at address X, at X - 4 you'll find the next 4 bytes describe a pointer to X. For example: procedure test(info: PTypeInfo); var addr:...

How to use reflection to unit-test an internal (Friend in VB) class within an assembly, when the InternalsVisibleToAttribute is not an option?

I have a solution with two projects within: Company.Project.vbproj Company.Project.Tests.vbproj Within the Company.Project.vbproj assembly, I have a class FriendClass.vb which scope is Friend (internal in C#). Now I wish to test this FriendClass.vb from within the Company.Project.Tests.vbproj assembly. I know about the InternalsVisib...

List All Open Files

This is an add-on to another question found here. In short: I would like to list all of the open files on a system and retrieve their associated file names. If this is the wrong approach, or if there's another way, please give me a push in the right direction. Or, if I'm missing any details or something's unclear, please yell at me. ...

Rails.env implementation in Rails question

Hi, browsing rails source, I found in railties/lib/initializers.rb such method def env @_env ||= begin require 'active_support/string_inquirer' end end I know how it works, but why it is implementing this way? Only for lazy loading, or maybe there are other reasons? ...

my C# winform needs to detect when other applications enter/exit/run-in TRUE fullscreen, prefer by events.

my C# winform application needs put itself in standby mode during time other application runs in true fullscreen mode (not only maximized), like video games, video movies, powerpoint. I need a method to detect if currently there is other application in fullscreen. Is there a possibility to register to events which will fire when other ...

How does PHP's list function work?

Hello my friends, After recently answering a couple of questions here on SO that involved utilizing PHP's list function, I wondered, "how in the world does that function actually work under the hood?". I was thinking about something like using func_get_args() and then iterating through the argument list, and that's all nice and peachy, ...

LoadLibrary Reference Counting

From MSDN: The system maintains a per-process reference count on all loaded modules. Calling LoadLibrary increments the reference count. Where is that reference count stored? ...

Is there a way in Hibernate to obtain an entity's loaded PersistentCollection without loading the entire entity object first?

This is a puzzler! :D Is there a way to force Hibernate to load a collection for an entity without loading the entire entity first? Let m explain better. I have a Role entity annotated this way: @Entity(name="Role") @Table(name = "ROLES") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) @javax.persistence.TableGenerator( name...