
JIT code generation techniques

How does a virtual machine generate native machine code on the fly and execute it? Assuming you can figure out what are the native machine op-codes you want to emit, how do you go about actually running it? Is it something as hacky as mapping the mnemonic instructions to binary codes, stuffing it into an char* pointer and casting it as...

What's a good resource for starting to write a programming language, that's not context free?

I'm looking to write a programming language for fun, however most of the resource I have seen are for writing a context free language, however I wish to write a language that, like python, uses indentation, which to my understanding means it can't be context free. ...

?? Dynamic ?? parser

Does there exist a parser that generates an AST/parse tree at runtime? Kind of like a library that would accept a string of EBNF grammar or something analogous and spit out a data structure? I'm aware of antlr, jlex and their ilk. They generate source code which could do this. (like to skip the compile step) I'm aware of Boost::Spirit...

Why do language converters suck?

Why do language converters/interpreters function poorly. Its seems that if you have function x(,) and functions x() takes blah, blah, for parameters and can return x,x and x, then it should be easy for the interpreter programmer to make the function in the converted language to act in the exact same way. I know that programmers writing...

Is there any Ruby or Python interpreter for Lego Mindstorm?

I want to start coding in Python or Ruby. Since I own a Lego Midstorms kit I thought it would be nice to program against it. Are there any good translators / interpeters for the Mindstorms brick? ...

Are there any simple languages implemented using ANTLR or similar?

I'm trying to build a simple interpreted language for learning purposes. I've read countless theory and tutorials on ANTLR and JavaCC, but I can't figure out how to actually make it do something useful. I learn best by "taking something apart and putting it back together again", so, are there any working examples of simple languages imp...