
A range intersection algorithm better than O(n)?

Range intersection is a simple, but non-trivial problem. Its has been answered twice already: The first solutions is O(n) and the second solution is for a database (which is less than O(n) of cours...

Interval in c++

Hello, I have a 44100 samples audio data at the moment but this will be larger in size. This is saved in a file. I would like to make a interval of these while reading this from a file and doing some more mathematical operations. The interval will be repeated in the middle point until several levels. I was thinking about this but I us...

How to combine assignments by date range from two data sets into a single data set containing unique overlaps

I have a table that houses assignment attributes for people and the date ranges that each attribute was assigned for. The table has the following fields: PersonId, AssignmentType, AssignmentValue, StartDate, EndDate Each person has an assignment type of racfId and cmsId which can independently start and end at arbitrary times. What i a...