
How do I get NumberFormatter to print negative currency values with a minus sign?

I'm using the PHP NumberFormatter class to print currency values. Eg: $cFormatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY); $cFormatter->formatCurrency(123, 'USD'); $cFormatter->formatCurrency(123, 'BRL'); $cFormatter->formatCurrency(123, 'GBP'); That works fine, and returns "$123.00", "R$123.00", "£123.00" r...

PHP intl extension

Someone experienced with intl extension for PHP under Windows XP please help me find the php_intl.dll and suggest how to install. Thanks! ...

PHP PECL extension intl giving garbled results for Swedish ordinal numbers

I'm using the PECL intl module to localize dates and numbers in a PHP project. In all other languages I'm using (40), localizing ordinal numbers works fine. In Swedish, however, I get strange output. It appears to be the template constants used to generate the ordinals. $fnf = new NumberFormatter('sv_FI', NumberFormatter::ORDINAL); echo...