
SELECT INTO Variable in MySQL DECLARE causes syntax error?

I´d like to SELECT a single value into a variable. I´d tried to following: DECLARE myvar INT(4); -- immediately returns some syntax error. SELECT myvalue FROM mytable WHERE anothervalue = 1; -- returns a single integer SELECT myvalue INTO myvar FROM mytable WHERE anothervalue = 1; -- does not work, also tried @myvar...

oracle insert if row not exists

insert ignore into table1 select 'value1',value2 from table2 where table2.type = 'ok' When I run this I get the error "missing INTO keyword" . Any ideas ? ...

Viewing graph into PDF

how can i show bar graph or pie chart into PDF? is there any way to do this by Zend_PDF class? pls help me ...

Select entire row into another table regardless of column names in SQL Server

Is there a way to select the row from a temp table (table has only one row anyway), into another table that has some columns with differenet names? For example: TempTable FirstName LastName Column1 Column2 ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- Joe Smith OKC ...

Simple Gmail login via non-webview / browser HTTPS POST

I am trying to build a very simple app, but it's turning out to be a much more difficult task than one could imagine. I need to use a simple User Interface , with the basic two text fields, UserName & PassWord (done), and once the login button is depressed, it logs into gmail (or any corporate Gmail account) via an https POST (I think ...

Can a variable holds multiple records in user defined functions in MySQL ?

I have a user defined function. In that function I declared a variable of type datetime. I am assigning the result of a query into this variable. And I am returning this assigned value. It looks like delimiter$$ drop function if exists getQEDate$$ create function getQEDate() returns datetime begin declare qedate datetime; select ...

Insert Code Into HTML

I have a web site that gets a new page every couple weeks, and that means I need to update the menu to have the new page in every single one. I'm wondering if there is a way to have an external text or .htm file that I can basically insert into the web page. That way I can put the menu in the external file and call it wherever I want it....

convert excel into wiki markup

Hi, Is it possible to convert EXCEL spreadsheets into MEDIAWIKI markup? Stumpled upon strange recommendations exporting to HTML and convert it into markup? Is there a solution maybe exporting to XML first or directly converting it? regards, UP ...

Reading models into ViewModels and other way round in MVVM - best practice -

Hello guys, I would like to get an insight into your daily work :P How do you read the Person data into the PersonViewModel ? Is it just a PersonViewModel pVM = staticHelper.ConvertPersonToPersonViewModel(person); or is there something cooler? ...

inserted writes

code : SqlConnection sqlc = new SqlConnection( "Data Source=" + Environment.MachineName + @"\SQLEXPRESS;" + "Integrated security=true;" + "database=someDB"); SqlCommand sqlcmd; string tmp = string.Empty; for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { tmp += "inserto into [...

How to cast a php array into javascript array

I run a mysql query and get the results successfully. However, I cannot read the elements of the array from javascript side. Can anyone help?? //JAVASCRIPT makes a request function profiles(){ $.post('dbConn.php', { opType:"getProfileList" }, fillProfileCombo, "text"); } function fillProfileCombo(res) { alert(res); } //dbConn.php...