
Focus an IntraWeb IWTreeView on a selected item

I have a rather lengthy tree view (IWTreeView) in a IWRegion (ClipRegion:= True) with one node selected. How do I focus that node such that it is visible for the user after a render? The What I do so far: In Delphi tree.Selected:= itemToFocus; tree.ScrollToName:= tree.Selected.Name; This generates this on my website (done by IWTr...

Ressources for IntraWeb / VCL for the Web

I am aware of the news groups at atozed.intraweb.* as well as the online manual and pdf manual, Bob Swart's IntraWeb book, and the spellbook. Some of these resources are outdated, some are rather minimalistic. Are there other sources available? This seems to be even more prevailing as the chat room is not available any longer due to la...

Derive IntraWeb forms from parent and not TIWAppForm directly - error in IDE

I have forms in my application that I derive from a common ancestor, like: TAtFormBaseIW = class( TIWAppForm ) and TAtFormExplorerIW = class( TAtFormBaseIW ) This works for certain forms, but not for others. Let me make a wild guess: it seems to work for all forms that where created in Delphi prior to IW 10, but not for forms I crea...

Intraweb application in IE8 loses IWEdit.Text in OnAsyncChange

I have an application using IntraWeb 10 and Delphi-2006 that works perfectly using Firefox or Chrome, but misbehaves using IE 8. I am using templates on my forms to give the designer some freedom over the placement of the main components on the screen, mainly regions and menus. Within the regions I do not use frames. Several components ...

Intraweb implimentation of handling the movement of a TIWRegion?

I am having a hard time getting a IWRegion moveable like a little mini window. eg: I would like to be able to place down a button/iwlink and let it be the switch to turn on the region movement... I would then have a client process that would send back to the Intraweb Server the users MousePos X,Y not matter where there mouse is on th...

Intraweb question about improperly working (radiobutton)?

HI, I created 4 radiobuttons in a intraweb application. One is checked by default, the rest is not. The belong to the same group called group. (I set the group properly of each TIWradiobutton) There is twiimage image which has click event. In that click event, I tried to set the radiobuttons. E.g. radiobutton1.checked:=true; The probl...