
Whats your opinion about IOKE?

Ola Bini, one of the big guys behind JRuby, is developing a new programming language called: IOKE. It's influenced by lisp, smalltalk and ruby. Share your thoughts about this new dynamic programming language ...

Getting RSpec into RDoc

In Ioke doc, the ISpec tests are included in the documentation, see How can this be done with Ruby's RSpec and RDoc (or SDoc)? I can't find any commandline switches or external libs to do so. Any ideas (not including implementing it all by myself ;-) )? ...

What is a good emeddable language for an existing Java application?

I want to embed a dsl or existing full language within my application. It should be a simple, full Turing complete language but simple and light enough that the code can be interpreted without too much overhead. Also the other "processes" can't effect any other process. I was considering using Clojure and invoking the Clojure interpret...