
UITableView performance difference between Iphone 3G and 3GS ?

Hey guys, I managed to put my new app on an adhoc distribution but I just noticed that I only have 3GS's ... It is working quite good on the 3GS (could be a bit faster but that's fine) ... but do you think I should test it on the 3G ? I know there has been a lot of improvements between 3G and 3GS but would that infer on my uitablevie...

NSURLConnection on simulator and iphone performance issues

I'm experiencing a weird problem and i wonder if anybody else has noticed this: I'm using NSURLConnection as it appears in apple's examples to get xml files from a certain server - pretty straight forward. And most of time it works, but sometimes it's just stuck after initialing and don't get into connection's delegate methods. I'm worki...

UitableView header problem on 3GS

Hello all, I have a customize UItabelview header. This header is display information on 3G but in 3GS ,it truncating information. Is their any API of UItabelview is not compatible with 3GS? Thanks in advance. ...