
What are the restrictions on MAP use with the iPhone 3.0 SDK?

I am the owner of a project that uses open source maps for an iPhone 2.0 app. My team and I are debating whether to upgrade to the iPhone 3.0 expose Map APIs, but I suspect that Google and Apple have put restrictions in just the wrong places. What barriers are out there? ...

To draw polygon on google map with MapKit framework

Hi all, I wanted to display Google map in a map view on which I want to draw a polygon/circle. Can any body help me out in this? Thanks in advance ...

Location search using mapkit

Hi, I am developing an application for iphone which needs to show a direction from current position to some given location name (not coordinates).Is there any way to do this using Map kit..Looking for a solution ...

google maps api in iphone

Hi, Everyone ! I am now developing iphone apps using MapKit, Core Location Service, etc. The problem I am facing is as follows. Users type their search words(location name or address ...) in UISearchBar, then the results will be displayed in table view. If user clicks one of the results, then the location will be marked in map. I want...

iPhone Map Region Weirdness

The attached image is what happens sometimes when I try to size a MKMapView to fit one or more placemarks. It's intermittent, but the display is always in exactly the same position. Here is the code: // loc1 is always non-null, and is equal to one of the annotation locations CLLocationCoordinate2D topLeftCoord = loc1.coordinate; CL...