
Record Sound that play with AVAudioPlayer

with below code i can record sound but this way record any sound that play around device i just want to record sound that play with AVAudioPlayer in my app.is it possible ? NSError *err = nil; AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; [audioSession setCategory :AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:&err]; [a...

Change textColor in UISegmentedcontrol

I use below code for change textcolor of each segmented in UISegmentedcontrol how can I change textcolor of specific segment?(for example segment at index 2) for (id seg in [segment subviews]) for (id label in [seg subviews]) if ([label isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]) [label setTextColor:[UIColor redColor]...

Tutorial about web service

Can anyone give me good tutorial about web service? i find below tutorial with example but doesn't work 1 2 3 for example if i want to show weather in my app should i get data from specific web site or i can get data from yahoo or other site about weather ...

Local Weather condition with google api

I use below tutorial for add local weather condition but this tutorial just add current weather does anybody have any idea about forecast weather? link text ...

Current time of other cities

Is it possible to get current time of other cities from code?(for example current time of Paris) ...