
How to set the Navigation Bar Color of the Tab Bar Configure Menu

As you can see the view I need to change is the provided view to customize the tabbar order. I want to change the color of the navigation bar (displaying "Konfigurieren" which means "Configure"), I already found out how to change the color of the "More"-Navigation Controller, but not this one. Can anybody help me with that? ...

simple fade in and fade out

I have one view controller with a UIscrollview built in. There are a total of 42+ images and i'm trying to fade each image into the next I know i have to use something called "begin animation and commit animation." I have tried tirelessy to get this to work. Could someone post up the code for me here and have me attempt it one more tim...

iPhone SDK:HTML parsing standard way or example:

Hi, I am accessing a web page using NSURLConnection and have a HTML data downloaded programmatically in my iPhone client application. I want to parse and pick some description data from the HTML tags..It is too dirty tags and my data is also here and there. I would like to ask you, is there a standard or easy way of parsing of HTML data...

Check if NSURL returns 404

Hi, I need to check whether a URL, represented by a NSURL is available or returns 404. What is the best way to achieve that? Thanks! heinrich ...

How to get value from the UIDatePicker?

When i change the value in uIDatePicker at time no event is call.I want to gate change value from the UIDatePicker/ ...

How do I hit a url and read data using CFHTTP

How do I hit a url and read data using CFHTTP? ...

XML Parsing Error Using UTF8

Hi All , I have error when i was parsing xml data.when we are converting xml data in UTF8Encoding format. then we are getting NULL string.But when we are converting xml data in ASCIIEncoding format. then we are getting a string. Can any one tell me what's the error? Thanks in Advance. ...

iPhone SDK: Avoid Blank screen while launching my application..

Hi, I am retrieving some data from server when launching my application itself. So whenever launch my application it shows a blank screen for few seconds(means it is downloading data from server) and then launches the first view. I don't want to show the blank screen to user. I want to add an image and activity indicator there. Please ...

How to add an UIButton to a MKAnnotation (MKView)?

Hey, I want to add a click able button to a MKAnnotation as seen in this screenshot of the Maps application: ...

iphone how to check the Airplane mode ?

HI , i want to check wether Airplane mode is on or not .. how to check that ? thanks + how to check that the user is using WIFI or GPRS OR EDGE . how to differentiate ?? ...

Adding and updating table view simultaneously

I have an array whose contents are updated and new entries are added on every seconds. How can i show the contents of an array in a table view so that i can see the newly inserted rows and updation of the added row.Can anyone help me. Thanks in advance!!! ...

touch event on a quartz circle drawing?

Hi, I have drawn a circle on the iphone simulator using quartz 2d with fill. Is there a way by which I can detect a touch event on that circle? Thanks Harikant Jammi ...

Why does this CALayer not display an image?

Can you guys tell why this code shows no image? CALayer *layerBack = [CALayer layer]; addedObject = [[UIImage alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@%d", PREFIX, number] ofType:@"png"]]; layerBack.bounds=CGRectMake(0.0f,0.0f,selectedImage.size.height,selectedImage.size....

iphone application

Hello I want to create an application in which I have to read PDF file which is alreay stored in iphone. How can I read it. I have no idea about it. Please help me for that. ...

iphone app developement: How to manipulate a selected area of an image?

The function I need to implement is like this: 1> select an small area of an image. This small area could be various shape, not only rectangle. 2> manipulate this area. for example: blurring Is there any way to do it? Thanks. ...

Quartz2D: How to draw an arc of a circle?

Hi, I would like to draw an arc of a circle like in this sketch: The angle of the arc should be variable and it should be colored with a gradient (e.g. starting with red and going to green). How do you do this in Quartz2D? Thanks for your answers! Stefan ...

Updating UILabel from another class

I'm pretty new to iPhone development and I'm still getting my head around Objective-C, so please bear with me :) I am trying to change the text of a label from inside an object that belongs to the main view controller. Umm. I think that sounds right. For those of you familiar with the AQRecorder class from the SpeakHere example on the ...

2 different types of custom UITableViewCells in UITableView

hello, in my UITableView i want to set for the first news of an rss feed a custom tableViewCell(Type A lets say) and for the other news second, third etc.. another custom tableViewCell(trype B) the problem is that the custom tableViewCell(trype A) created for the first news is reused, but curiously the number of rows between the first us...

Launch Mail app to check for new email

I know how to launch the Mail app to write a new email (using mailto). But I have a facility for users who have forgotten their password to get it sent to their email, and when they submit the request I would like to launch the Mail app, preferably in their Inbox. Is there a way to do this? ...

iphone sdk - calling a method of view's superview's viewcontroller

hello how can i call in the current view, a method implemented in the viewcontroller of the current view's superview? can you help me please. thanx ...