
IPv6 lookup data structure

A patricia trie is the well-know, recommended data structure for storing IPv4 allocations/assignments and performing lookup. Is this true for IPv6 adddresses too? Just a deeper/taller trie to accommodate the extra 96 bits? Is the trie still patricia, or a different radix trie? ...

Absolute minimum every software developer must know about IPv6

Now that remaining IPv4 address space has dropped below 5% let's make list of things every software developer must know about IPv6, including maybe not so obvious new pitfalls, hybrid solutions, etc. ...

Java: URL.openStream() - use IPv4

By default url.openStream(); uses IPv6. My schools server silently blocks IPv6. This causes url.openStream(); to hang for 3 minutes and 15 seconds. Is there a way that I can get url.openStream() to use IPv4 by default? ...

Python raw IPv6 socket errors

I am having some problems using raw IPv6 sockets in python. I connect via: if self._socket != None: # Close out old socket first self._socket.close() self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_RAW) self._socket.bind((self._interface,0)) self._socket.sendall(data) where self._interface is...

Why doesn't a %en0 suffix work to connect a link-local IPv6 TCP socket in Python?

Hi all, A week or so ago someone on StackOverflow asked why their Python code for connecting to an IPv6 link-local address wasn't working, and I replied that since it was a link-local address they needed to add a %en0 (or whatever the desired local-interface-name is) suffix to their target IP address. I thought I knew what I was talkin...

Why is inet:/ interpreted as inet:/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 by com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer?

We found this issue while implementing a reconnect logic for a WS endpoint using JAX-WS stack deployed on Glassfishv2.1 server. We deploy the web service on a cluster environment. To simplify the deployment, we use as the IP on which the endpoint needs to be published, so that it can be accessed from all available IPs pertaining ...