
Possible to convert IQueryable<Derived> to IQueryable<Base>?

I know about covariance, and I know that in general it will not be possible in C# until v4.0. However I am wondering about a specific case. Is there some way of getting converting IQueryable<Derived> to IQueryable<Base> by somehow creating a wrapper class that does not actually perform a query, but can actually "pass through" a .Wher...

IQueryable convert to list

Something so simple, but my head is hurting over it, I'm sure I can write this in one line when converting, but how? IQueryable<ion> ions =FindAllions(); List<ionFormViewModel> ionFormViewModels = new List<ionFormViewModel>(); foreach (ion ion in ions) { ionFormViewModel ionFormViewModel = new ionFormViewModel(ion); ionFormV...

SubSonic 3.0 ActiveRecord - Preferred approach building object graph?

Say I have a forum system with Threads, Posts and Tags. The structure is the same as StackOverflow: Threads have a 1-many relationship to Posts, and Tags have a many-many relationship to Threads. The (simplified) tables: Thread ------ ThreadID int PK Title varchar(200) Tag ---- TagID int PK Name varchar(50) ThreadTag ----------- T...

How to handle paging IQueryable with Linq To Entities? (problem with OrderBy)

Hi There, I am currently building a simple ASP.NET MVC site using Linq to Entities. My first foray into this world was nerd dinner, which is where I found the paginated list code that I am attempting to use. The code looks as follows: public class PaginatedList<T> : List<T> { public int PageIndex { get; private set; } public i...

How to get the last object in a generic list?

I am passing a populated SelectList to my View and I want to default the selected value to the last record in the list. So far I've got: IQueryable<BuildNumber> projBuildNos = tcRepository.GetProjectBuildNos(); BuildList = new SelectList(projBuildNos, "ID", "value", projBuildNos.Last().ID); I get an exception saying "the query operat...

Is there a fast way to get rows from a table by range as IQueryable in C# LINQ to SQL?

like say I want to make a method in my repository like public IQueryable<Item> GetAllItemsByRange(int start, int end) and then I just want to pass like (1, 100), (101, 200), (201, 300), etc so I can get back ONLY that range without having to get EVERYTHING at once thanks! ...

Know the number of elements of a Iqueryable

I have this Linq Query public IQueryable listAll() { ModelQMDataContext db = new ModelQMDataContext(); IQueryable lTax = from t in select new {Tax = t.tax1, Increase = t.increase}; return lTax; } how can I know the number of elements of lTax? Thanks. ...

iQueryable and Expression Tree

Can anybody explain me how to use (1) iQueryable (2) Expression Tree in c# by providing very basic example ? ( ofcourse both are not correlated,instead of making two separate questions,i wish to clear my doubt in a single question). Advanced Thanks. ...

Using IQueryable with Linq

What is the use of IQueryable in the context of Linq.Is it used for developing extension methods or any other purpose? ...

How to implement a Query with IQueryable in SilverLight

I have two tables customers, pay and want to implement a gridview in silverlight with the outcome of the relationship of these two tables, the query is as follows SELECT Pa.Tipo_Pagare, Pa.Pagare, Pa.Rut, Cli.Nombre FROM Cred_Crexsa.dbo.Pagare AS Pa INNER JOIN Cred_Crexsa.dbo.Clientes AS Cli ON Pa.Rut = Cli...

How can I convert an object System.Data.Linq.DataQuery to System.Linq.IQueryable

How can I convert an object System.Data.Linq.DataQuery to System.Linq.IQueryable I'm working with Visual Basic/Silverlight and the source code of my query is as follows Public Function Get_Cli_Pag() As IQueryable(Of V_Cliente_Pagare) Dim Qry = From P In Me.Context.Pagares Join C In Me.Context.Codigos On C.Codigo Equals ...

How can I make a generic IQueryable in Linq?

Hi everyone!! I'm working in a ASP.NET MVC project and I have this particular situation: I have 3 pages - Product, Order, User. And in each of these pages I have a link calling the same ActionResult differing only by the argument passed depending on the page I'm in. For example: public ActionResult(string typeOfPage) { if (typeOfPag...

assign nullable objects for returning IQueryable

I am returning IQueryable<Customer> to the other method for some querying operations. The return method looks like: return from cust in _dbCustList select new Customer { CustomerId = cust.Customer_Id, FirstName= cust.First_Name, LastName= cust.Last_Na...

Extending IQueryable to return objects where a property contains a string

I see a lot of code similar to the following var customrs = MyDataContext.Customers.Where(...); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { customers = customers.Where(c => c.Email.Contains(input)); } I would like to put this in an extension method that checks the input is valid before invoking Where on IQueryable so that it can be called l...

ASP.MVC: Repository that reflects IQueryable but not Linq to SQL, DDD How To question

I want to create a DDD repository that returns IQueryable Entities that match the Linq to SQL underlying classes, minus any relations. I can easily return Entities minus the relations with a Linq select new {field, field, ... } projection. How do I code the Repository Entity class? How would I return an object from the repository havi...

Iterating over an unknown IQueryable's properties?

Forgive me if this has been asked before; I couldn't find anything close after a few searches: I'm trying to write an ActionFilter in MVC that will "intercept" an IQueryable and nullify all the parent-child relationships at runtime. I'm doing this because Linq does not serialize objects properly if they have parent-child relationships (...

Linq - How to turn IQueryable<IEnumerable> into IQueryable

Hi, I have a simple linq statement that isn't quite returning what I would like. I understand why, I just don't know how to wriet it to get what I want. The query is as follows: answers = from a in ents.tblCalls where a.tblSessions.tblUsers.UserID == UserID.Value && (a.StartTime >= sta...

Returning Custom Classes as IQueryable so doesn't have 'has no supported translation to SQL' error

I have the below call in my repository where I return IQueryable of Node (my business object class) then I have a filter function in my service layer which adds to the IQueryable call and filters the repository function GetNodes by id. When I return the FilterById as a list (so it executes) I get error -- The member 'bo.Node.Id' has no ...

Linq, Where Extension Method, Lambda Expressions, and Bool's

Greetings, I am having some issues with using a bool operation within a Where clause extension method of an IQueryable object obtained using Linq to Entities. The first example is showing what does work using Bool1 as the operation I need to move to a where clause extension method. The second example is what doesn't work after the chan...

Linq-Sql IQueryable<T> and chaining OR operations

I'm trying to simulate: WHERE x.IsActive = true OR x.Id = 5 The following causes 'AND' to be used... how do I simulate an 'OR' condition with IQueryable (qry) and my nullable int, given that other filtering might be involved as with the IsActive filter here? if (onlyActiveItems) //bool { qry = q...