
ruby inside silverlight functionality over c#

Having just found out that you can use Ruby or Python inside a SilverLight application.. link here ..I wonder if its possible to bypass some of the SilverLight limitations with use of these languages instead of C#. I know that the Ruby Engine inside the SilverLight application is trimmed down, just as the .NET CLR is, so I would like...

How to register a module to ruby?

How do I register a module to ruby with IronRuby and C#? ...

Cucumber on IronRuby incredibly slow to start?

I'm using IronRuby 0.9.1 and cucumber 0.4.0. I also have MRI 1.8 installed. I've created the following wrapper script (icucumber.bat) to run cucumber on IronRuby @ECHO OFF REM This is to tell IronRuby where to find gems. SET GEM_PATH=c:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8 @"C:\ironruby\bin\ir.exe" "c:\ruby\bin\cucumber" %* Navigating to cucumber-...

How do I automatically add dlls to ironruby engine.

Hi, I want to automatically add loaded dll of the current application into ironruby engine so that each time I execute a script I won't specify the "require" script anymore. Thanks a lot. ...

IronRuby On Rails VS. Ruby On Rails (Getting Started)

The Scenario I am a C#/ASP.NET/MVC/Silverlight developer with a few years experience. I'm trying to kickstart my Ruby On Rails learning. I'm currently trying to get a real feel for ROR. I Want To Know Standards As a .Net developer, you tend to use a standard IDE (Visual Studio), a few standard databases (SQL Server, Oracle etc.), and ...

Creating VIsual Studio Addins with Iron Ruby

Some time ago at one of the .Net conferences John Lam gave a demonstration of how to use Iron Ruby to create VS add in's. At the time it seemed alot easier than what you currently have to do to create new VS add in's. Where can I get an example of this or does someone know a better starting point for me. ...

IronRuby performance issue while using Variables

Here is code of very simple expression evaluator using IronRuby public class BasicRubyExpressionEvaluator { ScriptEngine engine; ScriptScope scope; public Exception LastException { get; set; } private static readonly Dictionary<string, ScriptSource> parserCache = new Dictionary<string, ScriptSource>(); public BasicRubyExpressio...

Key based authenication with net-sftp in Ruby

Hello, I want to be able to use SFTP to login into a number of servers and download certain files to help debug issues as and when they arise. While we could use a client, we wanted to start automating the process to streamline everything. My first attempt looks something like this: def download(files_to_download, destination_directo...

Viability of Ruby for Cross-Platform Development With Native Toolkits?

Let's say that I was writing a closed sourced commercial piece of software which was to be deployed in the following situations: Windows Desktop App built on .Net, ActiveX control, Windows Netscape plugin, Mac Desktop App built on Cocoa, Mac Netscape plugin, Java applet hosted in browser. Would it be viable in terms of code sharing to wr...

IronRuby and Handling XAML UI Events

What it is the most brief and concise way of adding event handlers to UI elements in XAML via an IronRuby script? Assumption: the code to add the event handler would be written in the IronRuby script and the code to handle the event would be in the same IronRuby script. I'd like the equivalent of the following code but in IronRuby. Hand...

IronRuby is_a with DateTime

Can anybody explain why DateTime in IronRuby is Object[] sample code IronRuby on .NET 2.0.50727.4927 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. >>> require 'System' => true >>> t = System::DateTime.Now => Thu Dec 03 15:32:42 +05:00 2009 >>> t.is_a?(Time) => true >>> t.is_a?(System::DateTime) => true >>> t.is_a?(S...

WPF App hosting/executing Ruby code via IronRuby

Hey folks, hoping you can help me get started with IronRuby. I have several Ruby scripts that I want to execute from my WPF Application (due to the use of several RMagick methods I can't get natively) and I can't find any good info on what references I need in the project. I've installed IronRuby and tried adding Microsoft.Scripting an...

Rails + C# - Reusing Models

I'm working on a project that has a website in Rails and a C# GUI that use the same database and data models. I'd like to share the (active)models between the two parts. Any ideas on how this is possible? ...

IronRuby references conflict with System.Linq ?

Using Visual Studio 2010, when I add the four IronRuby references to an existing project that uses Linq in several methods, the project won't compile due to not being able to find System.Linq all of a sudden. Does the IronRuby/.Net 4.0 Framework change the location of Linq or am I missing something? Thanks, Becky ...

Alternative languages with MonoTouch

MonoTouch is always mentioned along with C#. Are the framework and toolset actually limited to C#, or do other CLR languages like IronRuby and F# work as well? ...

IronRuby and Cucumber

When running Cucumber 0.5.1 with IronRuby 1.0 RC1, I get the following error: IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml:0:in `ScanAnchor': while scanning an alias: expected alphabetic or numeric character, but found something else... (IronRuby::StandardLibrary::Yaml::ScannerException) from IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml:0:in `FetchAlias' from Ir...

Is IronRuby ScriptSource.Execute thread safe?

We are implemented expression evaluator via hosting IronRuby engine. Simplified version of evaluator you can see here. Now we are trying to get more performance from IronRuby via executing expressions in many threads (and we got it). One question bothers us - is Execute method thread safe? ...

Performance comparison between IronRuby and IronPython

We're aiming to implement a scripting mechanism, using DLR's Microsoft.Scripting and hosting assembly. Now, someone knows about any performance difference between IronRuby 1.0 and IronPython 2.6? To my understanding they have different compilers, but IronPython seems more mature and tested, but if anyone has documentation or knowledge ...

Executing IRake from .NET

I am using IronRuby in my .NET application. How can I call irake task_name from within the .NET C# code? OR How can I call irake task_name from the pre-build events? ...

Assembly redirection in code instead of app.config

I'm using ironruby to execute a script that loads an assembly with a dependency that needs to be redirected from v2.0.0.0 to v3.5.0.0 in the app.config like this: <runtime> <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> <dependentAssembly> <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Build.Framework" publicKeyToken="b...