I have a bat file with the following contents:
set logfile= D:\log.txt
java com.stuff.MyClass %1 %2 %3 >> %logfile%
when I run the bat file though, I get the following:
C:\>set logfile= D:\log.txt
C:\>java com.stuff.MyClass <val of %1> <val of %2> <val of %3> 1>>D:\log.txt
The parameter is incorrect.
I'm almost positive the "...
I would like to create a sub folder in the controllers folder of an Asp.Net MVC application. But when ever I do this and try to navigate to a page the controler can not be found.
Here's a concrete example.
Currently I have:
That's all, I want to know if someone unplug the monitor and take several actions, any idea?
Thank you