
WPF CheckBox's IsChecked property doesn't match binding source's value

In my WPF application I have a CheckBox whose IsChecked value is bound to a property in my viewmodel. Notice that I have commented out the actual line which sets the value in my viewmodel. It's the standard pattern: View.xaml <CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=SomeProperty}" /> ViewModel.cs public bool SomeProperty { get { retur...

Jquery, checkboxes and isChecked

When I bind a function to a checkbox element like: $("#myCheckbox").click( function() { alert($(this).is(":checked")); }); The checkbox changes it checked attribute before the event is triggered, it's it normal behavior, thus giving and inverse result. However, when I do: $("#myCheckbox").click(); The checkbox changes it check...

WPF MenuItem IsChecked Binding not working

Anyone know why the menu item binding does not work ? <ToggleButton Name="toggleButton" Checked="checkBoxPublish_Checked" > <ToggleButton.Resources> <converters:BooleanToHiddenVisibility x:Key="boolToVis"/> </ToggleButton.Resources> <Grid> <Image Height="auto" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="5" Name="ima...